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The Institute of Buddhist Dialectics

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Monks from all schools of Tibetan Buddhism join this unique isntitution to study scriptures through the art of dialectics, a method of debate that tests one's knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and the veracity of all the hypothetical beliefs and knowledge-including the teaching of the Buddha. This is in accordance with the teaching of Buddha, Who said nothing, including his own teachings, shold be taken as the truth until it is proved to be so through objective analysis. Tibetan Buddhism, especially the later Gelug school, emphasizes logic as the key to understanding the deeper significance of Buddhism. The institude was opened in 1973 to provide education in Buddhist phlisophy: a seven years course in Pannaparamita(The perfection of Wisdom) and a three years course in Madhyamika(Nagarjuna's treatise on the middle path). The training offered is comprehensive: besides the prescribeed course, the student study western philosphy, political science, Tibetan literature, scrip and poetry. Thoug the bulk of the students are Tibetans, Indians, westerns, Mongolians and other asian students lend the school an international character. The institude has a branch school at Sarha, a quite village near Gaggal, which is around 14 kilometers from Kotwali bazaar.
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