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A self described "violent race." Andorians are characterised by greeny blue skin and white/blue hair. Andorians have antenna on their head. Andorian weddings require 4 people. The Andorian home planet is Andor.


An arachnid race, the Arachnates resemble a cross between a spider and a mantis. They are very intelligent and posses the ability to spin webs impenetrable to low level phaser fire. Many Arachnates find their natural skills help them navigate the maze of jefferies tubes on starships, and their abilities are perfectly suited to becoming engineers.


A technologically advanced world, the Ardanians possess the most advanced anti-grav units in the galaxy and are able to levitate whole cities. They produce 90% of the Federation's anti-grav units, as well as mining 80% of the Federation's Zenite supply, a crucial ore in both medicine and weapons development. Ardanians are human in appearance, and have a harsh code of law. The Ardanian homeworld is Ardania.


Argelians have a peaceful society, and resemble humans. Their homeworld is a renowned tourist destination. Argelians were a violent society until the great awakening in 2067. They still rely on the brutal pre-awakening legal system, and officers are advised to refrain from breaking laws on that planet. The Argelian home world is Argelius II.


Betazoids are a race of Humanoid telepaths. Most Betazoids develop their telepathic skills during their teens. Betazoids are unable to read the minds of aliens, which have a four lobed mind. All Betazoids have black eyes. The Betazoid homeworld is Betazed.


A race distinguished by bright blue skin, and a ridge running down the centre of their face. Bolians are trusted members of the Federation. The Bolian homeworld is on Bolarus IX.


A cat like race of humanoids. Full-blooded members of the race have a lion like mane of hair, which distinguishes them from half blooded members of the species. Catatians eat their food raw. They also possess a lion like tail, which has great dexterity. The Catatian homeworld is Cait or Ferasa to its inhabitants.


Cygnetians have a matriarchal society, where women are the dominant members of the species. They are larger than their male counterparts and generally over 6 feet in height and unusually strong. The male of the species is seldom over 5 feet in height, and lacks body hair, off his head. Cygnetians have great computer skills, and are responsible for undertaking many starship upgrades. Some Cygnetians have been known to act in a sexist fashion towards men. The Cynetian's homeworld is Cygnet XII


A marine race resembling large dolphins, Delphines live on a class N world, and are amongst the finest navigators in the galaxy. Though not many choose to leave their home world enough have for Starfleet to commission several starships with class N quarters. The Delphine homeworld is Delphus VII.


Deltans lack hair on their bodies with the exception of a thin set of eyebrows on their head. They otherwise appear human. They are known to make the best lovers in the galaxy, though they often take vows of celibacy when serving off their homeworld to protect "the more emotionally immature members of the galaxy." Deltans are at least partly telepathic, and their abilities allow them to absorb the pain of other species. They have the strongest pheremones of any race in the Federation. The Deltan homeworld is Delta IV.


Grazerites are a humanoid race developed from herbivorous herd animals and as such, ditest violence and confrontations They have an odd appearance and a leather like skin. Their are several variations of this colouration in the race dependent on their geographical origin on their homeworld. The Grazerite homeworld is Grazer.


A founder member of the UFP, humans have a pale pink or brown skin and a variety of colours in their eyes, and hair. Many species believe the species is descended from a primate species and use this as an insult. Humans are a highly adaptable and resourceful race. The human homeworld is Earth in the SOL system.


A long time foe of the UFP, klingons are a warrior type race inmistakeable throught their ridged forehead and their dark skin. The Klingon homeworld, Q'onos is situated in the space immediately adjoining Federation space which led to centuries of war and bloodshed. The alliance now between Klingons and the Federation is strong with some Klingon "warriors" now serving in Starfleet.


A race of hideous non-coporeal being Medusans possess an almost instinctive sense of navigation. They do not possess a spoken language however and all communication with the species must be done though telepathic races or computers. The Medusan homeworld is Medusa or Visalayan in their native language, which is out of the human range of hearing


While not Federation members, the lawless nature of Orion society forces many respectable Orions join Starfleet in the hopes of finding a better life. Orions are known for their cunning and stealth, as well as their physical strength. Their homeworld is Orion III in orbit of the star Orion


Rigelians a Vulcan like race. The Rigelians are a peaceful race who cohabit many of the class-M planets in their system with humans. Their Homeworld is Rigel II in orbit of Alpha Centauri.


A race descended from the Vulcan race. Romulans have taken over from the Klingons as the main foe although a recent alliance with the Federation during the time of the Dominion Wars served both parties well. Both parties seem to have forgotten the ALliance and an uneasy peace exists. The Romulan Star Empire borders both Klingon space and Federation space.


Sauria is also called Lyaksti'Kton. Home of race of reptilian, bipedal race resembling a terran Velociraptor. Home of Saurian Brandy. Saurians place real importance in their home tribe, and have intricate mating rituals, which in the distant past involved fighting to the death. They are also one of the few Federation members that practiced wide spread canabalism in their past. They have strong jaws which can crush many metals, and rocks, and many families have prominent claws on their feet or hands. The planet Sauria is actually home to several sentient species of saurian


This Porcine race have large snouts and black eyes. They are a sturdy race of beings that have a propensity towards anger. Their homeworld is Tellus IV.


Trills are unique in that they are the only symbiont race in the Federation. The symbiont is almost helpless, though it has a life span of several centuries in various hosts, retaining their memories and experiences. The host is able to draw on the experiences and memories of the symbiont. The Trill homeworld is known as Trill.


A new race encountered for the first time by USS Iliad. The Valnarrans are a primitive race although this appears to be by choice as they do have the benefit of warp technology. The Valnarrans are small humanoid creatures who are incredibly god fearing. Humanoid sacrifices are often offered to appease their gods.


The other founding member of the Federation, Vulcans are an ancient and noble race. Having rejected their emotions they strive to project a front of pure logic, and do not display or "feel" emotions at all. Every seven years however Vulcans under go PON FARR when they loose control of their emotions and mate with their spouse, who is chosen for them at age seven. Vulcans are touch telepaths and through a process called a mind-meld they can read the thoughts of many other races. Because of their planets gravity they are stronger than humans. Their physiology is based on iron and they have green blood. They also have a keen sense of hearing due to their pointed ears, and their eyebrows slope up at 45 degrees. Their home world is called Vulcan.


Though not a Federation member Yridians have a reputation as traders of information. Many spend their whole lives accumulating information, and some join Starfleet to accomplish this. Starfleet is always suspicious of a Yridians motive in joining, as they do not have loyalties as such. The Yridian homeworld is Yridia.


A race of ancient warriors, though they have not seen combat in over seven millennia, Zakdorns are regarded as the finest strategists in the galaxy. Zakdorns are vaguely porcine in nature, and are very self assured and arrogant in nature. The Zakdorn homeworld is Zakdoria.


The Zaldan's cultural beliefs reject Terran humanoid courtesy as a form of dishonesty, and that the hiding of true feelings and emotions is wrong. Therefore other Federation citizens have learned to address Zaldans with what would normaly be considered rude manners. An average Zaldan is greater in height and overall body weight at adult size than most Federation members, and they have characteristic webbed hands and feet. This is due to the fact their homeworld is almost entirely covered in water. The Zaldan homeworld is called Zalda.