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Quit Being a Nice Guy!
...or, How I Learned To Treat Women as Lesser Beings in Six Easy Steps

I know why you're here.

You're here because of her.

You're frustrated, bewildered and totally confused by her behavior after she showed an interest in you. You can feel her slipping through your fingers, or, perhaps she already has. And you don't understand, because you treated her like a queen, just as any nice guy would, and did everything you knew how to do to keep the relationship going.

Well, that's your problem. Everything you know is wrong.

You've been lied to, and that's not your fault, but you continue to do the same things over and over, and that clearly IS your fault. Everything that you've heard about how to treat a woman, even, ESPECIALLY if it came from a woman herself, was wrong, and therefore, following this advice will result in disappointment, time after time. It just doesn't pay to be a nice guy. See if any of these sound familiar:

I want a guy who's caring and sensitive.

I want a guy who's not afraid to cry.

I want a guy who will give me all of his attention.

I want a guy who will treat me like a princess.

I want a guy who will make me the center of his universe.

I want a good old-fashioned guy who will treat me like a lady.

Heard it before? I sure have. These phrases are repeated consistently by women, so they must be right, huh?

And you believed them and found out that they are very, very wrong.

Take heart. You couldn't play ball because you didn't know the rules of the game. It's time for a change.

I've been in the same situation many times myself. Nothing would have changed had I not gotten pissed off about it and decided to do something about it. And that's exactly what you need to do as well.

Let's go