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The following chart is a rubric designed for evaluating all of the components of the persuasive speech and webquest.







Use of Class Time


The student mostly wasted time in class and rarely worked on assignments in class. The student used class time but may have wasted time in class. The student mostly used class time effectively The student used class time effectively each day.  
Handout There was little to no attempt to complete the handout.  Any answers completed may not be in complete sentences and/or may be illegible.  There is a lack of thought or understanding reflected in the answers. There was a minimal attempt to answer the questions.  Most answers are not written in complete sentences and some may be unclear or illegible. Some answers may reflect minimal thought or understanding. There was an attempt to answer all questions on the handout, but a few questions may not be answered completely. Most answers on the handout are written in complete sentences but some may not be clear or legible.  There is evident of some thoughtful consideration. There was an attempt to answer all questions on the handout. The answers on the handout are written in complete sentences and are clear and legible.  There is evident of serious thought.  
Speech Content This speech may lack organization and creative thought.  There is no evidence of outside source work, and the works cited page is missing. This speech is organized but may not necessarily follow the classical argumentation style and may not reflect creative thought.  There is evidence of outside source work, but the inclusion may be confusing or inconsequential.  There is a minimal attempt at a works cited page. This speech is well-organized according to the classical argumentation style but may not reflect creative thought. It incorporates outside sources but one of these sources may be weak.  It includes a works cited page that is mostly correct. This speech is original and entertaining.  It is well-organized according to a classical argumentation style.  It smoothly incorporates three outside sources and includes a works cited page that is complete and correct.  
Visual/Auditory Aids There was little to no use of presentation aids.  There is evidence of little to no effort in preparing the aids.  The aids may be poorly constructed and do nothing to attract audience attention. Presentation aids were used but their connection to the speech may not have been evident or clearly explained.  The quality of the aids may be inferior in neatness and/or attractiveness and may have done little to attract audience attention. The presentation aids were well chosen  but may have not aided in the presentation.  They were neatly completed but may have not helped attract audience attention. The presentation aids were well-chosen for the topic and aided in the presentation.  They were attractive and neatly prepared and helped to attract audience attention.  
Presentation Skills This presentation was incomplete.  The presenter may have read the speech and never looked at the audience.  The presenter may have neglected to use Standard English, and the speech may have been too long or too short. This presentation was completed but with minimal effort.  The presenter made an effort to use good eye contact but may have primarily read the speech.  The presenter used gestures but may have used them inappropriately or in a stiff, formal fashion.  The presenter made a minimal effort to use Standard English and adhere to the time limit. This presentation was completed successfully.  Note cards may have been overused but did not adversely affect delivery.  The presenter used eye-contact and gestures effectively but the delivery may not have been smooth.  The presenter made a good attempt to use Standard English and adhere to the time requirement. This presentation was expertly done with minimal to no use of note-cards, good eye contact, and appropriate gestures.  The presenter used Standard English and adhered to the time requirement.  
Listening Skills The student showed little to no effort in listening to the other presenters' speeches.  He/she may have shown disrespect to the presenters by sleeping, talking excessively, or engaging in other activities.  He/she made little to no effort to participate in the class voting process. The student showed minimal effort in listening to the other presenters' speeches.  He/she reflected minimal involvement in the class voting process. The student respectfully listened to the other presenters' speeches but may have been distracted at times.  He/she participated in the class voting process. The student carefully and respectfully listened to the other presenters' speeches.  He/she participated thoughtfully in the class voting process.  




    Introduction Task |  Process | Evaluation  |  Conclusion  |  Teacher's Page