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First you will be presented on your title screen, so press START (there is a cool music though, but press START). Choose NEW GAME and continue, after PROF. OAK speaks he will ask you to type your name and your rival's name in, you can either choose one default name or type your own. Then press start and you can begin playing!(FINNALY!).


You'll wake up in your house, so start exploring your room, and play SNES(jeje)... Withdraw the POTION that is in your(VERY OWN) PC, Then go downstairs, talk to your MOM, and she will tell you something about PROF. OAK calling you, after she finishes, go outside... explore, walk and talk there, after you finish talking, with everyone head north and PROF. OAK will call your attention, so he will ask you to follow him. He will escort you to his lab, so talk to PROF. OAK, after that he will let you to choose a POK鍏N of your very own...(Woo Hoo!) There are 3 POK鍏N to choose from:

- BULBASAUR: Plant/Poison type POK鍏N


- SQUIRTLE: Water type POK鍏N(Personally I chose BULBASAUR, because he is cool) Choose anyone you like, and Your rival will pick ALWAYS the POK鍏N to the right of the POK鍏N you chose. When you try to go out, Your rival will challenge you to a duel, (TIP: when you are in the battle, and you know that he is gonna beat you up, remember the POTION you withdrew?, USE IT, you only have one so use itwisely...) after you beat him, go out and head north to VIRIDIAN CITY


You will be challenged here by some Wild POK鍏N so beat them so your POK鍏N can gain experience. Talk to the first guy you see and he will tell you about a POK頍ART he runs, and he will give you a POTION... - VIRIDIAN CITY When you get there, stop by the POK頃ENTER (if your POK鍏N is weak), then explore and talk to everyone, but don't go to ROUTE 22 yet... When you finish, go to the POK頍ART and talk to the CLERK, he will give you "OAK'S PARCEL", so you know what you have to do... GIVE IT TO OAK!! so, go back to PALLET TOWN and into PROF. OAK'S LAB, and give him the parcel, after the looooong speech, he will give you and your rival, the famous...(drums please) POK鄅X!! it records the data of POK鍏N you've seen or captured, in total there are 151 POK鍏N!, so then go to Your rival's house and talk to her sister, she will give you a TOWN MAP. Go back to VIRIDIAN CITY and go to the shop... buy some POK邁LLS,( @ least 10) and go back to ROUTE 1 and capture a RATTATA and a PIDGEY. you can either build them up, or deposit them on the PC in the POK頃ENTER (i recommend you to keep PIDGEY, when he builds exp. he growsSTRONG!!). To collect more POK鍏N go left to route 22 and capture a SPEAROW, NIDORAN (M), NIDORAN (F). I suggest to store them in the PC. Oh! I almost forgot you'll fight Your rival, so beat him. if you bought some extra POTIONS in the POK頍ART, then use them if necessary. Go back and into the POK頍ART, buy @ least a couple of ANTIDOTES, 'cause you'll need them in the forest, now head to ROUTE 2.

- ROUTE 2 There are no items here, and just some tall grass with some POK鍏N so go into the VIRIDIAN FOREST...


You'll probablly think, WOW! a forest! (hehehe) so just walk around, and talk to some of the people you find there, Oh!, capture a PIKACHU, WEEDLE, and CATERPIE here, don't worry about KAKUNAS or METAPODS, since CATERPIE evolves into METAPOD, and WEEDLE evolves into KAKUNA, in here you will find 2 TRAINERS, an ANTIDOTE, a POK邁LL, and a POTION, so just continue north and left, until you get to the end, go out and go inside PEWTER CITY...


WOW! another place, but this time, it's a city!, you know what to do, talk to everyone and if you want, stop by to buy some POTIONS, go visit the MUSEUM if you want, you'll have to come back here anyways when you have the CUT HM, to get into the MUSEUM from the "Back Door" using CUT, so a guy will give you OLD AMBER, which turns into AERODACTYL when you resurrect it @ the CINNABAR ISLAND LABORATORY. Go to the LOCAL GYM, there you will face a JR. TRAINER, and BROCK, the GYM LEADER, When you fight BROCK, make sure you have your POK鍏N above L.10 and some on L.15. BROCK has: L.12 GEODUDE, L.14 ONIX, after you beat him, he will give you the BOULDERBADGE, and TM 34, which contains BIDE, so go out and heat to ROUTE 3...


CRAMMED FULL OF TRAINERS here's a tip, defeat 1 or 2 TRAINERS, then go to the POK頃ENTER, then come back again to defeat more TRAINERS. Here you can collect(where you fight the girl with the JIGGLYPUFF) a JIGGLYPUFF, then go north into the POK頃ENTER heal you POK鍏N and buy the tempting MAGIKARP, but you can fish it later, and not waste the 500 bucks, anyways, deposit it in your PC, and head to MT. MOON...


Not exactly a MT. but it'll do... Here, there are a lot of Items including: POTIONS, RARE CANDY, ESCAPE ROPE, MOON STONE, TM'S(12 and 01) , and HP UP. Pick up some POK鍏N here: ZUBAT, CLEFAIRY, PARAS, and GEODUDE, some guys of TEAM ROCKET will challenge you to Duels. Oh! I almost forgot, you can find 2 FOSSILS here, but because of the GREEDY Pok魡niac, you can only get 1, The HELIX FOSSIL, or THE DOME FOSSIL, THE HELIX FOSSIL contains a POK鍏N called OMANYTE, which evolves into OMASTAR, and THE DOME FOSSIL contains a POK鍏N called KABUTO, which evolves into KABUTOPS, but remember you can only choose one, and you have to resurrect it @ the CINNABAR ISLAND LAB... So get out of MT. MOON and head to ROUTE 4...


Now this is Peacefull, *sigh*, no Trainers, just a TM 04 and Wild POK鍏N to capture, if you are using the RED VERSION, you can capture an EKANS here, but if you are using the BLUE VERSION, then no EKANS for you, but hello SANDSHREW!, continue to the Right to get to CERULEAN CITY...


Here is where the Water POK鍏N Trainer MISTY lives, but before you go and kick her, talk to the people for info, when you are more advanced, you can come back and trade a POLIWHIRL for a JINX here in a house, there is a bike shop here too, but those BIKES are too expensive, so just have a little patience and wait... MISTY has: L.18 STARYU, L.21 STARMIE, beat MISTY, and she will give you a CASCADEBADGE, and TM 11 which contains BUBBLEBEAM, so now go to ROUTE 24...

- ROUTE 24

Here you have to cross a bridge, sounds simple right? NOT! you have to beat 5 trainers including Your rival, so you can get across, at the end some guy will give you a NUGGET which is UNUSEFUL so just sell it for 5000 grand! here you can collect: ODDISH(if you have the RED VERSION), BELLSPROUT( if you have the BLUE VERSION), and ABRA, oh and some PIDGEYS, CATERPIES too... continue to the right, and there will be another bunch of TRAINERS and HIKERS and you find TM 45 here too. Continue until you get to a house, it belongs to BILL the POK鍁NIAC talk to the POK鍏N standing there and do whatever he says, then he will give you an S.S. ANNE TICKET!!! in case you're wondering what it's for, its fot getting inside the S.S. ANNE, so go out the house, and go back in now you can se BILL's collection of his favorite POK鍏N. go out, and go to CERULEAN CITY, then go down to ROUTE 5...


Here just follow the road down, but you can go inside the house that's in the middle is THE POK鍏N DAYCARE CENTER, so leave a POK鍏N that you want to be leveled up, and pick him up later in the game, but you must have free space in your POK鍏N menu.Now continue down and to the right, go inside the house, and there is a little GIRL who wants to trade POK鍏N with you, but just ignore her go in the SUBTERRANEAN tunnel and out the other end, When you go out, you can capture: MANKEY(on RED VERSION), and MEOWTH (on BLUE VERSION). Follow the road, and you will face 6 TRAINERS in all. go down until you reach VERMILION CITY...


Here you can get an OLD ROD, but it SUCKS!(you only fish MAGIKARPS with it). You can also trade a SPEAROW for a FARFETCH'D here, and get a BIKE VOUCHER (FOR GETTING A FREE BIKE!! Woo Hoo!),Ok, now go to the right, and you will fight some TRAINERS, they are kind of easy, but only if you have your POK鍏N in a high level, you can collect some: SANDSHREW(If BLUE VERSION available), EKANS(if RED VERSION available), some SPEAROWS, and some DROWZEES too, go to the WATCH TOWER, and PROF.OAK'S AIDE will give you an ITEMFINDER(VERY USEFUL for finding items)if you collect more than 30 types of POK鍏N. You will find a POK鍏N Trader, which will trade a NIDORINO for a NIDORINA. Now go back and enter the S.S. ANNE...


Here, just walk and talk, battle and beat up TRAINERS, there are a lot of Items and TMs here, so be careful and watch carefully for them, you will find Your rival here too, beat him up, and go inside the room where the CAPTAIN is ,talk to him and he will give you the HM01, which contains CUT, teach it to a PLANT TYPE POK鍏N, Now you can beat up the LOCAL GYM LEADER LT. SURGE, he hold the famous THUNDERBADGE, but he has his GYM very secure, so look inside every bucket until you find 2 switches, they will open the door that is locked, LT. SURGE has: L.21 VOLTORB, L.18 PIKACHU, L.24 RAICHU,beat LT. SURGE up, you can go back to PEWTER CITY if you want the DOME FOSSIL, CUT down the bush on the right side of the MUSEUM, go back to VERMILION CITY and enter DIGLETT's CAVE...


Here its very simple, just follow the path to the end, you can capture some: DIGLETTS and DUGTRIOS here too. Whem you go out,go down, and enter the house, there you can trade an ABRA for a MR. MIME, go down using CUT, and enter the Building, you get the HM05, which is FLASH, that you use in the ROCK TUNNEL, now go out of that building, down, and there will be some Items and 1 or 2 TMs, I don't remember, so get them and enter DIGLETT'S CAVE again, go out in VERMILION CITY, go back to CERULEAN CITY, and go to ROUTE 9...- ROUTE 9 Here just follow the path, you will find some HIKERS, and some JR.TRAINERS, which you have to defeat, you can collect some: EKANS(for RED VERSION), SANDSHREW(for BLUE VERSION), SPEAROWS, and VOLTORBS, go down and there will be a POK頃ENTER, so heal your POK鍏N, and when you go in ROCK TUNNEL, you will have to fight a TRAINER, defeat her and go inside...- ROCK TUNNEL Here it's very simple, just take out the POK鍏N you equipped with the FLASH HM, and find a way out of here, you find some Items, and TMS here too, collect some: GEODUDES, ONIXES, MACHOPS and ZUBATS here, so when you go out, head south to LAVENDER TOWN...- LAVENDER TOWN In the town, there is a POK頃ENTER, a POK頍ARKET, a House with a guy that changes the POK鍏NS' Names, also talk to the guys, and read the signs for tips and other stuff... but you are probably asking yourself... "What is that big tower for"?, well, there are dead POK鍏N in there, and some woman trainers, you also find Your rival there, and of course, Items and TMs, but IGNORE IT for now... head West, towards ROUTE 8...- ROUTE 8 You just continue west, battle POK鍏N trainers here, and capture: (If BLUE VERSION) MEOWTHS, VULLPIXES,(if RED VERSION) GROWLITHES, MANKEYS, and PIDGEYS in both versions, anyways, when you get to the end, go up and enter the little house, and go through the UNDERGROUND tunnel, and you will end up in ROUTE 7...- ROUTE 7 Here you just have to capture POK鍏N if you don't have these kinds: (in BLUE)BELLSPROUTS, VULPIXES, MEOWTHS,(if RED) ODDISHES, GROWLITHES, MANKEYS, and in both versions: PIDGEYS. Continue up then left until you reach CELADON CITY...- CELADON CITY Heal your POK鍏N in the POK頃ENTER if they are wounded, now talk to every person and they will give you good tips, here is where the world's BIGGEST store lies, YEAH! it's that big building with two entrances! OK, here just buy stuff, here you can buy almost anything, from simple Potions to sofisticated X techniques and Evolution Stones, also in the top floor there is a thirsty little girl who was 3 TMs to get them, first buy WATER and give the WATER to her, she will give you one TM, then buy SODA and give it to her, whe will repay you back with one TM, then buy the LEMONADE give it to her and another TM will be yours,(jeje poor little girl, those where the only TMs she had jaja)go outside the store, and go down, you may notice that there is an isolated house with an old man, to get there you have to cross through the water, and to croos through the water you need HM03 which is SURF, that you'll get furtherin the game... ok, now go into the CELADON MANSION, there talk for info, but when you reach the roof, you will see a mysterious door, to get there, go outside of the mansion, go around, to the back enter from the back door and go up, and you'll se a guy, he gives you a LOT of info on linkin' with the Game-Link Cable... but the most important thing is the POK邁LL with an EEVEE inside!!, now go out, go to the bottom if you wish to defeat ERIKA, the PLANT POK鍏N GYM LEADER of CELADON, ERIKA has: L.29 VICTREEBEL, L.24 TANGELA, L.29 VILEPLUME, beat her and get the RAINBOW BADGE, now go to the RESTAURANT @ the city, and talk to everyone, but there is a guy there with glasses...(remember him from every GYM?), well anyways, talk to him and he will give you a COIN CASE, for holding casino coins, the go to the CASINO, but don't talk to the guy that trades money for coins, instead, walk around pressing "A" and you'll eventually find in different places coins, in all you'll get about 200, so that is good, 'cause you don't waste your money, ok now if you want to play @ the SLOT machines, when you get enough coins buy a PORYGON next door, and get more money(if you want) so you can buy some TMs too. Now, do you see a TEAM ROCKET guy standing in front of a poster?, well, talk to him and beat him, then he will leave, push the switch(the poster) and you'll uncover a secret passage underground, go inside the door that opens up and go inside... - CELADON UNDERGROUND BASEMENT Here just THINK, it's pretty easy, just make your way through the little thingys on the floor and get some TMs, Items and fight some ROCKET guys, oh! here when you kick a guy's butt,talk to him again, 'cause some of the ROCKET guys are clumsy and you may get a LIFT KEY here... anyways, when you get the lift key, go in the elevator and get to the bottom floor, here you fight GIOVANNI, the ROCKET leader,beat him up with any WATER or PLANT POK鍏N and you will get the SILPH SCOPE(woo hoo!), go out ad go back to LAVENDER TOWN and go inside the POK鍏N TOWER...- POK鍏N TOWER Here just GO, you'll find your way, believe me, fight Your rival and continue, you will find some: GHASTLY'S, CUBONES, and maybe, just maybe HAUNTERS, and of course, some TMs and ITEMS, now, when you get to the end, a GHOST will appear and the SILPH SCOPE will uncover it and... it was a dead MAROWAK in disguise!!! but the bad thing is that you can't catch it, but just defeat him,and go to the stairs he was blocking, defeat all TEAM ROCKET members here and talk to the old guy @ the end, he will tell you a little story, and talk to him again when you get to his house, he will give you a ...(drums please) POK順LUTE!! now those SNORLAXES will wake up!! hahaha! ok now go back to CELADON CITY and go WEST to ROUTE 16... - ROUTE 16 A SNORLAX is blocking it, this looks like a good time to use the POK順LUTE, but don't instead go a little bit to the right and CUT down the bush go up and in the tall grass you can find: RATATAS, DODUOS, SPEAROWS, and rarely RATICATES, now go left and enter the building, continue left and enter the little house, there is a runaway girl, talk to her and she will give you... HM02, wich is FLY, teach it to any FLYING type POK鍏N, ok now go wake up the SNORLAX, he will fight you, if you want, you may capture it, but remember that this is a HARD POK鍏N to catch, and you will have to SLEEP him or PARALYZE him, but if you don't capture it, you can get it in VERMILION CITY, anyways, continue to the left and enter the building, if the guy here does'nt let you pass, then you will have to go back to the CELADON STORE, and buy some WATER, and come back and give it to him, then he will share it with all the GUARDS... so contiune on to the CYCLING ROAD...-

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