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Volunteers are welcome to join in at any time.  Whether you can give several hours of your day, or a weekly commitment, or 10 minutes at a specific event, we need you!  Cub Scout Pack 149 is an entirely volunteer-run program. 

Meet Our Staff:                                                       Last updated May, 2000


Meet Our Staff

Statistics show that out of any 100 boys who join boy scouts, Seventeen will become future Scout leaders and will give leadership to additional thousands of boys.

There are always openings as our volunteers move up to Boy Scouting or move away and leave vacancies.   We especially encourage volunteers from families that are new to the Brussels area - it is a great way to meet interesting people and get into the swing of things right away. 

In addition to the Committee positions, the popcorn sale, pinewood derby, blue & gold banquet, and round-up night all require lots of helpers.   

If you have time to volunteer, we need you!  Please contact the Committee Chairman, Gina Tusing, to sign up and help.

Webelos Leaders:

     Kathleen Lonchay

     Carol Weisenbacher

     LeaAne Larsen

     Valerie Von Koschembahr

Bear Den 7  Leaders:

     Edie Phillips

     Janet Satterthwaite

     Caren McCready

Wolf Den 3  Leaders: 

     Sue Paul

Tiger Den Coordinator:

     Terry Potts

Popcorn Sale Chairman - vacant

Pinewood Derby Chairman - Mark Eckstein

Blue & Gold Banquet Chairman -  vacant

Committee Chairman  - Gina Tusing

Cubmaster  - vacant

Assistant Cubmaster -  vacant

Treasurer - Andre Sidawi

Secretary  - vacant

Advancements - vacant

Outings Coordinator - Lee McClenny

Membership and Registration - Maggie Clouthier

Librarian - Valerie Von Koschembahr

Supplies/Trading Post - Terry Potts

Nature Area -  vacant

Quartermaster - Colin Helmer

Publicity (bulletin board, Headlions, Website, Newsletter, etc.) - vacant

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Meet Our Staff | Calendar of Events | Program Resources for Parents and Leaders