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Move List

(help provided by DBZ Ultimate MAX RPG)
Finishers - 30% of PL damage
Jubei-Kamehameha - Very Strong wave of energy which can home in on an opponent 80 KI
Final Flash - Very powerful wave of energy 80 KI
Genki-Dama A.K.A The Spirit Bomb - a ball of energy formed using lifeforce from planets and people 80 KI Makankosappo A.K.A Special Beam Cannon - Piercing spiral of energy capable of piercing anything 80 KI
Finish Buster - A large ball of energy formed above the head 80 KI
Destructo Disk/Energy Disk - A powerful energy disk capable of cutting through anything 80 KI
Death Ball - large powerful energy ball 80 KI
Masenko - A powerful energy beam done by crossing palms 80 KI
Big Bang Kamehameha - A mixture of the Big Bang Attack and the Kamehameha Wave - very powerful 80 KI
Physical Attacks - 5% of PL damage
Punch, Kick, Headbutt - standard street brawling techniques 0 KI
Ryuken - A powerful jumping uppercut 0 KI
Body Attack - You fly at your opponent and drill yourself into them 0 KI

Level 1 Attacks - 10% of PL damage unless otherwise stated
Energy Blast - Simple energy attack 5 KI
Mouth Blast - Simple energy attack from the mouth 5 KI
Eye Beam - Weak beam of energy shot from the eyes 5 KI
Dodonpa - A very narrow beam with a fairly large head that is fired from a single finger 5 KI

Level 2 Attacks - 20% of PL damage unless otherwise stated
Renzoku Energy Dan - A rain of energy attacks is unleashed against your opponents 30 KI
Solar Flare - Temporarily blinds your opponent 30 KI No Damage, Opponent Frozen for 2 turns
Burning Attack - Relatively powerfulbeam shot from both hands 30 KI
Kikoho - With hands placed in a triangular form,blasts of incredible power are rained down on the opponent 30 KI
Zanzoken - Afterimage effect, can use to attack 30 KI
Gallick Cannon - Powerful beam capable of destroying planets 30 KI
Big Bang Attack - A very powerful and fast energy attack 30 KI
Teleportation Kamehameha - Powerful energy wave which is first charged then you teleport elsewhere before throwing it 30 KI
Death Beam - Powerful beam of energy which is shot from 2 finger, can pierce almost anything 30 KI
Dividing Beam - you shoot a beam into the air and then it splits into 7 beams and shoot down at the targets (can be targeting at 1 person) 30 KI Attacks any opponents in battle (damage is divided between every target)
Fusion Dance (must be taught this ability) - you can fuse with somebody roughly the same height as you to increase your PL (adds PL's then multiplies by 2) 100 KI Lasts for 3 turns
Body Switch - You switch bodies with you opponent, you keep the same moves but your HP's switch (can be used only ONCE per battle and CANNOT be used against an opponent whose PL is 2x yours or above AND A ROLL OF 11 OR 12 IS REQUIRED AND ONCE THE BATTLE IS OVER YOU RETURN TO YOUR NORMAL BODIES) 200 KI
Namekian Absorbtion - A permanent fusion between Nameks (adds PL's then multiplies by 3 150 KI
Instant Tranmission (you must be taught this ability) - can be used to avoid an attack (roll of 9 or above required for success) 20 KI
Hide PL - Able to hide your pl from your opponents (doesnt show on bio) 0 KI
KaioKen (must be taught this ability) - Can temporarily increase your PL (2x/4x/10x) 150/200/300 KI Lasts for 3 turns
Split-Form - Can split up into different entities for training purposes or to gain advantage in battle 100 KI PL divided equally between forms. Lasts for 3 turns
Energy Absorption - You absorb an energy attack and add the KI to your own, or sap the KI from your opponent (Roll of 8 or above required) 10 KI
Regeneration - Can heal damaged or lost limbs 250 KI

Super Saiyan - An uber powerful Saiyan. PL must be at least 2,000,000 100 KI. Doubles PL and KI. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Super Saiyan 2 - An uber powerful Saiyan. PL must be at least 5,000,000 150 KI. Triples PL and KI. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Super Saiyan 3 - An uber powerful Saiyan. PL must be at least 10,000,000 200 KI. Multiplies PL and KI by 5. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Super Namek - An uber powerful Namek. PL must be at least 2,000,000 100 KI. Doubles PL and KI. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Super Namek 2 - An uber powerful Namek. PL must be at least 5,000,000 150 KI. Triples PL and KI. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Super Namek 3 - An uber powerful Namek. PL must be at least 10,000,000 200 KI. Multiplies PL and KI by 5. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Form 1 - A Changling Transformation. PL must be at least 2,000,000 100 KI. Doubles PL and KI. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Form 2 - A Changling Transformation. PL must be at least 5,000,000 150 KI. Triples PL and KI. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Form 3 - A Changling Transformation. PL must be at least 10,000,000 200 KI. Multiplies PL and KI by 5. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Chipset #1 - A Bio-Android Upgrade. PL must be at least 2,000,000 100 KI. Doubles PL and KI. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Chipset #2 - A Bio-Android Upgrade. PL must be at least 5,000,000 150 KI. Triples PL and KI. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out
Chipset #3 - A Bio-Android Upgrade. PL must be at least 10,000,000 200 KI. Multiplies PL and KI by 5. Lasts for whole battle or until KI runs out