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My Pics

These are assorted pictures of me, my friends, and family. I am still updating this page and plan to add more pics soon. I have yet to get any pics of Cameron up (despite the fact that I have a digital camera...go figure) I promise to update this extremely soon! Enjoy what little is here now and come back to visit again later.

This is me(Shawn) and Josh at New Year's (reason for the funny hats).

Josh doing what he does (and loves) best- fishing. This was shot in Key West while fishing on the Tight Lines. He is now back in Pensacola fishing out of the FloraBama marina.

(Running clockwise)Shawn, Chyrel and Paula at Tika's bachelorette party. This is early on in the evening; things got quite a bit crazier later on...but by then I was gone and missed all the fun.

All the girls at Tika's wedding reception. (From left to right:Front row:Shawn, Karim. Back row:Angela, Sarah, Paula, Sunshine, Chyrel, Erin, Megan.)

It was honestly the best wedding I have ever been to. Tika was glowing!

My best friend Chyrel with my two youngest brothers and my neice Alexis. (Don't even try to do the math...I am the eldest of ten including both my mom and dad's children, and I am FAR older than the youngest.)

My adorable neice Alexis and my sister Jessica. Alexis will be three this year and she is a MAJOR ham! Actually, I'm surprised I don't have more pics of her but I'm sure that will be remedied shortly by my sis...just kidding Jess.

Josh when he first went to (visit) Key West. He loved it so much he decided to move there for a few years. He's back in Pensacola now but misses the fishing down there. In my opinion it's a nice place to visit but I would go crazy living there because it is way too small and there is nothing to do. (Ok...Josh corrected me...there are 2 things to do...drink and fish).

Well, those are all the pictures I have scanned so far. I'm sure I'll have more soon, so check back later.

Since you made it this far thought you might like to know a little about me. I was born, raised, and currently reside in NW Florida. I went to Florida State University (Go Seminoles) and studied History and Political Science. I am the oldest of ten and I am currently 29. I read and write fantasy fiction and hope to one day actually finish one of my novels so I can be published. And that's about it.

That's all folks!