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Chamber 9

Glyph Meaning

Alchemy symbol for "fire" or military symbol for "air transportation"
in astrology symbolizes man's sensitiveness and impressionability, the instincts, the subconscious, the emotions, and the ability to react. The key word is personality, the inner individual's outer shell that is continually formed and changed by what he or she experiences.  Also can mean "moon."
This ideogram seems to have been used in every cultural sphere on earth. Wherever it appears, it has the same meaning: the sun or something that is closely associated with the sun, such as hydrogen.  In Cabbalistic mysticism, the archangel Michael was related to the sun and the day of the sun, Sunday. Thus was the sign used to represent that archangel.
In esoteric astrology it represents the creative spark of divine consciousness that exists in every individual linking him or her to the source and origin of life, and making him or her the co-creator of the world.


Compound Glyph means

"Be receptive to ending phase of orbital movement"

Compound Glyph means
"the assimilating, receptive (man's sensitiveness and impressionability, the instincts, the subconscious, the emotions, and the ability to react) ending."

"Independent movement...migration of tribe"

Symbol bears a remarkable resemblance to a comma. Comma shaped symbols in the USA have been found on rock to mean germination. However, the symbols has never been found to be completely filled in.  In this case, the figure has been darkened to probably mean death of germination.

"Life Carrier"
Chamber 9 Poetry  Forever & Of Luminous Things
Chamber 9 Philosophy Portion of Chamber 9 Philosophy

First Source is not a manifestation, but rather a consciousness that inhabits all time, space, energy, and matter; as well as all non-time, non-space, non-matter, and non-energy. It is the only consciousness that unifies all states of being into one Being, and this Being is First Source. It is a growing, expanding, and inexplicable consciousness that organizes the collective experience of all states of being into a coherent plan of creation; expansion and colonization into the realms of creation; and the inclusion of creation into Source Reality - the home of First Source. This Being pervades the Grand Universe as the sum of experience in time and non-time. It has encoded ITSELF within all life as a vibratory force that is the primus code that creates you as a silken atom in the cosmological web.


Chromosome 9 Function  9th Chromosome
Analysis Chamber 4 philosophy tells us that the poems in chamber 9 stirs emotions. "Forever" and "Of Luminous Things" strikes an emotional chord of subtle discord. It is discordance that stirs the emotional responses, making them accessible to the higher energies of the human instrument.
Problems with chromosome 9 can lead to a variety of mental problems including shizoaffective disorder, recurrent unipolar depression and hypomania (bipolar II disorder)


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