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Chamber 15

Glyph Meaning
Symbol for "tone should he held longer"
Compound Symbol for

"matter with non-matter" and "non-time"

Glyph found on rock art in the west coast of Sweden.  Also a symbol for the war god Aries.
Chamber 15 Poetry  Secret Language and Wishing Light
Chamber 15 Philosophy Portion of Philosophy 15

Evolution in the material universe has provided you with a life vehicle, your human body. First Source has endowed your body with the purest fragment of ITS reality, your wholeness navigator. It is the mysterious fragment of First Source that acts like the pilot light of the human soul - fusing the mortal and eternal aspects. Can you fathom what it means to have a fragment of the Absolute Source indwelling within your very nature? Can you imagine your destiny when you fuse with an actual fragment of the First Source of the Grand Universe? No limit can be placed upon your powers of Selfhood or your eternal possibility.


Chromosome 15 Function  Chromosome 15
Analysis Deletions and problems with chromosome 15 has lead to sensitivity to sun light.  Blooms Syndrome causes sun-sensitive skin, and predisposition to malignancy and chromosomal instability.  Albinism (Albino) comes from problems with chromosome 15 and also causes sun-sensitive skin.  Angelman's Syndrome or "Happy Puppet Disorder" has a feature where "the skin is pale and burns easily."  Xeroderma Pigmentosum is also a sun-sensitive condition where additional problems with chromosome 15 leads to the burning of the skin with ordinary sun light.

Chamber 15 poems make at least 15 references to sunlight and darkness, including references to the moon and "fluorescence."  In fact, both poems speak of darkness and night-time. "Darkness follows light like a tireless wing.." is mentioned in Wishing Light.  In addition, "The intricate language of tiny animals sweeping through the night air..." is mentioned in Secret Language.

There is a correlation between chamber 15 and sun-light/darkness


Xeroderma Pigmentosum


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