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Chamber 7

Glyph Meaning
A glyph I believe represents the Phantom Core. It appears to be a component of the entity consciousness that "perceives." It is unattached to the glyph by it's side.

Glyph matches the symbol under India Retroflex language. There were several dialects of this language and several versions of this symbol.

This glyph is part of the entity consciousness but it is not attached to the human instrument glyph. It may be a symbol for the sovereign integral or "God fragment."

Glyph matches Naxi Language Symbol.
A component of the entity consciousness. It appears to be a glyph of the wholeness navigator. While it is part of the overall architecture of the entity consciousness, it appears to be unconnected to the human instrument.

Fig 1

A component of the entity consciousness that appears to be attached to the human instrument. It appears to be a symbol for the Remnant Imprint.
A compound glyph that may be a symbol for the human instrument - more specifically, the human senses and how the senses perceive it's reality. The information is feed to the entity consciousness.
This symbol is used in Ghana as a sign on clothes. Dangerous power over life
Chamber 7 Poetry Union & Like the Songs of Whales
Chamber 7 Philosophy Portion of Chamber 7 Philosophy

"Your consciousness is faceted to express light into multiple systems of existence. There are many, many expressions that comprise your total Selfhood, and each expression is linked to the hub of consciousness that is your core identity. It is here that your ancient voice and eyes can observe, express, and experience multi-dimensionally. This is your food source for expansion and beautification. Place your attention upon your core identity and never release it. With every piece of information that passes your way, discern how it enables you to attune to this voice and perception. This is the only discipline you require. It is the remedy of limitation."


Chromosome 7 Function  7th Chromosome
Analysis Problems in chromosome 7 can lead to speech problems.

Poetry in Chamber 7 "like the songs of whales" makes numerous mention to speech. "Your voice lingers when it speaks..", "..your breath-the spiracle that holds the words..", "..listening to the voice I hear in you", "...hear your soft breath forming words..", "..I could simply listen to your voice.."
Chamber 4 philosophy states that the poem in this chamber stirs emotions. "Like the songs of whales" strikes an emotional chord of subtle discord. It is discordance that stirs the emotional responses, making them accessible to the higher energies of the human instrument.
Chromosome 7 is responsible for the production of Serotonin also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine. Principally responsible for panic disorder.

Neuro-Linguistic Approach to Analyzing "Like the Songs of Whales" reveals the following instructional orders to your subconscious.
1. Know it will take me where you always are.
2. Dive below the waters where the whales sing their songs.
3. Know it will take me where you always are.(repeated)
4. Your soul you so willingly share.
5. Listening to the voice I hear in you.
6. Hear your soft breath forming words.
7. Bring them from the deep blindness to your heart
8. Take your hand and let it hold my heart
9. See what I know of you
10. See where we always are
11. Pull your blanket of words
12. Listen to your voice


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