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DEMONS & DEMONESSES...what you didn't know
SPIRITS & GHOSTS...poltergeists, telekinesis & other psy abilities
EXORCISMS...why & how most exorcisms work & doesn't work
FAIRIES...the world of the
DJINNS...genies/wishmasters of desires


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Possession is when something or someone has taken “control” of something else. There is a difference in the term Possessed homes and Haunted homes. People seem to use them as the same but it is “not” the same. A Haunting is when Spirits/Entities “visit” the home temporary without harmful occurrences. A Possession is when Spirits/Entities “control” and permanently “inhabit” the home or person with the intention to harm the home or person and all those who are around them. Mostly “all” places are Haunted…but not all places are Possessed. That is why a Paranormal Investigation is needed to differentiate between which of the two is happening…or perhaps it is happening by a person who has psy abilities and they don’t know they have those abilities or by a living person who is not in the room which can astral project (OBE…Out of Body Experience) themselves from a distant place or from a different time zone (time travel) to travel to people and places to cause mischief. Those mentioned are the many ways which a Possession or Haunting can occur….sometimes, BOTH a Possession and a Haunting can be all happening at one time at the same place and with the same person involved. That is why it is very important to KNOW what Spirits/Entities “Non-Living beings” or Humans “Living beings” you are dealing with that is causing the activities before doing any kind of Exorcism/Cleansing.

Possession is also called, “Spirit Possession”. Some Spirits/Entities have been known to possess people for several reasons: by accident; to assist the one whom they have possessed; to continue experiencing physical life; physical and mental health problems which the possessed person has which lead them to be vulnerable and weakened to be possessed; attachments to earthly possessions or loved ones; trauma – not even understanding they have died; and they seem to be attracted to highly sensitive people (psychics, occultists, witches, psy abilities, mediumship…mediumship is similar to spirit possession but different…the medium invokes a Spirit/Entity but the medium is able to “control” the Spirit/Entity which inhabits them while they are in a trance for a short/temporary period of time to communicate with them… then the medium expel or come out of trance to release the Spirit/Entity from themselves).

As with Hauntings, Possessed homes and possessed people need the help of Exorcisms/Cleansings. We “Eternal Nile Psychic Activities” do exorcisms by Cleansings. Our cleansings are done with a Pagan faith-based not a christian faith-based. We know in order to understand the paranormal one must know and understand the spirit world…in our investigations we have noticed that most of the christian exorcisms are “not” working due to most unbeliefs of Spirits, Demons/esses, Fairies, Djinns, and other Entities/beings. If one doesn’t have belief in their work then there is no way of performing a successful exorcism/cleansing. Most of us as Occultists, Witches, Psychics, etc do NOT fear those type of Spirits/Entities….whereas on the other hand most christian religious leaders (ministers, priest, rabbi, etc) DO fear the Spirits/Entities. Most people are told since they were children that there is a boogie-man in their dark room, or under the bed, or in the closet, or in the dark forest. When a religion teaches fear to a child when they are young…the young can’t grow…THEY WON’T BE ABLE TO EVOLVE. They will be stunted in their spiritual growth and under most circumstances they will turn out being under-achievers…they wouldn’t set goals for themselves due to the FEAR. In Pagan religions we don’t teach our children to have fear of the unknown…we teach that the unknown can be KNOWN by having COURAGE AND FAITH IN YOURSELF TO SEEK KNOWLEDGE OF ALL SORTS BECAUSE "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER".

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Most perhaps would disagree, but it is true. Most are told when young: you may look but do not touch; you may touch but do not feel; you may feel but do not hold dear to your heart; open your heart but close your heart when being hurt; hurt no one but kill for your country; kill for your country but do not murder; murder but do so in defense; defend for your honor but have no pride;….and finally….have no pride because pride is the ultimate sin??? So….how in the world is the child able to achieve when they get to adulthood with “all that” being told to him/her at such a young age. That is how most teach their children and that is how a country is runned by them when they get into adulthood as well.

Knowledge is to be learned…not feared. Once we are able to do that as children…then we are able to be great achievers as we become adults. That is why when a person passes-away their spirit is INSTANTLY able to know the unknown and to do supernatural abilities…cause they would not fear the living (because they were once alive) and they would not fear the non-living (because they are now deceased)…..due to that fact they would know knowledge to BOTH sides. The Spirits in their astral form are able to reach new heights of spiritual contentment which most of us as living humans will not be able to know until the day we are deceased ourselves. Most people refuse to understand that logic because they refuse to know anything else due to fear. So, making contact and keeping the peace with the Spirits and other Entities will help us to better understand our world.

During my paranormal investigations, I have witnessed Possessions done by BOTH Jehovah’s angels, Satan’s angels, Spirits, and other Entities. ANY ENTITY can possess the body of a living being…especially if the living being is weak in some form (either mentally, spiritually or physically). The weaker the living being…the more vulnerable they are to being Possessed.

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When we “Eternal Nile Psychic Activities” come to investigate and then to cleanse the home/people/place that is Possessed…we use Cleansing which is done from Pagan rituals and Pagan ceremonies. ANYONE WHO HAS STRONG FAITH IN THEIR RELIGION/FAITH CAN CLEANSE/EXORCISE A SPIRIT/ENTITY. With faith comes courage and with courage comes fearlessness…A PERSON MUST “NOT” FEAR THEIR RIVALS AND NEVER LET YOUR RIVALS KNOW YOU FEAR THEM. Spirits/Entities know us…more so than we know ourselves. They are telepathic and they can travel in the dimensions to know our past, present and future…so they would know who we are SPIRITUALLY. That is why it is always best to have a person (usually a third party who is neutral to the situation to come to do the Cleansing/Exorcism) who is knowledgeable enough about the Spirit world in order to communicate to the Spirits/Entities.

I have a section/link on “Paranormal Investigations” which you can click on the link to see more of our services of paranormal investigations. When having problems with Hauntings of any sort in your home…contact us “Eternal Nile Psychic Activities” to set up an interview to do a paranormal investigation.

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