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A fairy (also faery, faerie, færie or fae; collectively wee folk, good folk, people of peace, and folk people) is. Fairies are generally described as humanoid in appearance and as having magical powers. including goblins or gnomes. Fairies are generally seen as humanoid in appearance and as having supernatural abilities such as the ability to fly, cast spells, sprinkle fairy dust for luck, and to influence or foresee the future. They are often seen as young, sometimes winged and colorful. The female Fairies are often seen as small in stature, the male Fairies are seen differently: taller in stature. Both the female and male fairies are often seen as radiant and angelically winged beings. Some have been seen as human-sized beings; these have been depicted as ranging up to the size of a human child. Fairies are often known to shapeshift (the ability to change/transform from one shape to another…including human). Fairies are often found in “the world of inbetweens”. It means: neither here…neither there. In “the world of inbetweens” is the astral plane which co-exist/parallel to our own which is like a “thin veil” which ANY Entity can cross over and communicate with either side. On certain days…most are on Pagan Sabbats…are Halloween (Samhain--October 31), Beltain (May’s Eve---May 1), etc…the Fairies are more visible and are often seen. The “In the world of inbetweens” are also the Solar Eclipses, Luna Eclipses, and the Dark Moon (New Moon) phases. Fairies love to dance around their Fairy ring under the Full Moon in the moonlight around midnight before sunrise. Certain things within and outside the home is also considered “in the world of inbetweens” such as: a person’s own shadow, a person’s own reflection in mirrors/windows/crystal/shiny objects/reflective objects, “the crack” which is between a half-opened door, between doorways (threshold)…and most importantly “darkness” which is within a room/area. Wherever and whenever “the world of inbetweens are happening…there you will find Fairies.

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There is different classifications/species of fairies: Brownies, Gnomes, Elves, Elementals, Sylphs, Paracelsus, Banshees, Sprites, Hobgoblins, Goblins, Trolls, Sidhe, Bug-a-boos, Dwarves, Pixies, Asrai, Nymphs (all water Nymphs, Nixes, Mermaids and Mermen), Changelings, Selkies, Knockers, Fetches, Leprechauns….and several more of the Fairy Kingdom. Fairies are known and their presence is known when a person sees a fairy ring. A fairy ring, also known as fairy circle, Elf circle or pixie ring, is a naturally occurring ring or arc of mushrooms. The rings may grow over ten meters in diameter and become stable over time as the fungus grows and seeks food underground. They are found mainly in forested areas, but also appear in the grass in your front and backyards. Fairy rings are formed around Fairy Mounds which are paranormally caused by elves, fairies or pixies dancing in a circle… wearing down the grass beneath their feet. It is known that fairy rings are doors into the fairies' world, transporting people to other places or making people appear in the same place in a different time. It is known to NEVER walk into this Fairy Circle…just in case…most fairies do not welcome the intrusion of humans stomping around the fairy rings (mushrooms)…it is considered bad luck to do so.

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Other ways to know the presence of fairies’ activities is by the “trickster” behaviors. Some fairies are “neat-tricksters” and some are “naughty tricksters”. Fairies are known to hide objects, rearrange furniture/objects in the home, …and they are even known to clean clutter around the home”. A person can hear giggling laughter and they can hear them speak with small whispering voices. Most are seen at midnight dancing along the Fairy Circle…amongst the circle will be sparkling lights. Usually where children plays, a flower garden, tall grasses, sounds of melody/music, small bodies of water (ponds, lakes, streams/brooks, springs/fountains and rivers), a tree that is dieing, or a tree that is very old (trees are very sacred to fairies and trees are powerful entities according to the Druids magical lore)…it is there you will see Fairies of all types dancing with joy. School grounds, playgrounds, Daycare centers, front yards, backyards, and other places where children are at play…fairies are known to do their fairy activities. Fairies are known to love children and love to be where they are present. CAUTION is always warned when interactions with certain Fairies dealing with humans…children and adults. Fairies are attracted to pretty rocks and stones. Most notably, Staurolite (also known as Fairy Cross), Fluorite, Peridot, Jade, and their favorite, the Emerald. Fairies are known to heal trees, and to sprinkle fairy dust on flowers to make them grow and smell beautiful. Fairy dust is known to be made magically by the Fairies which they use to bring healing and good luck on whatever the dust is sprinkled upon. However, Fairy dust is also known to be used by the Fairies to do mischievous malice. Fairies are often mistaken for dragonflies, light bulbs insects, hummingbirds…yet, Fairies are also known to immediately transform (shape shift) into dragonflies, light bulbs insects, and hummingbirds when they are suddenly being seen by children, pets, and adults.

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The Fairies are known to hold sacred to them many and different trees, flowers, and rare plants. There are several SACRED trees to the Fairies which are: Oak trees, Cherry blossoms, Ash trees, Blackthorn trees, Hawthorn trees, Hazel trees, Fig trees, Elder trees, Nut trees (such as Walnuts, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Almonds, Coconuts, Peanuts, etc) Apple trees…and especially the Willow trees. There are several SACRED flowers to the Fairies which are: Primroses, Roses, Foxgloves, Tulips, Periwinkles, Daisies, Lavenders, Lilacs, Pansies, Bluebells, Daffodils, Violets, and Forget-Me-Nots. There are several SACRED herbs and rare plants to the Fairies which are: Wild thyme, Ragwort, Rye Grass, Holly (Holly berries), Mushrooms (Toadstools), Clovers (4-leaf Clovers), Hollyhocks (pink Hollyhocks), Brooms, Cowslip (Cowslip blossoms), Red Campions, Heather (Heather stalks), Blackberries and Devil's Bit Scabious. In order to see fairies; of course, is by being highly sensitive or having psychic abilities. When dealing with Fairies…it is best to get Occultists such as myself who have dealings with spirits to communicate with the entities. Fairies can enter into home…they can be beneficial or they can be malicious. They too can cause paranormal activities which also needs to be cleansed to send the Fairies on their way. I have a section/link on “Paranormal Investigations” which you can click on the link to see more of our services of paranormal investigations. When having problems with Fairies/entities of any sort in your home…contact us “Eternal Nile Psychic Activities” to set up an interview to do a paranormal investigation.

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