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HERE ARE THE LIST OF CATAGORIES OF MY SERVICES: click on the link of your choice to get details of each service:

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DEMONS & DEMONESSES...what you didn't know
SPIRITS & GHOSTS...poltergeists, telekinesis, & other psy abilities
POSSESSIONS...the hidden truth
EXORCISMS...why & how most exorcisms work & doesn't work
FAIRIES...the world of the "inbetweens"
DJINNS...genies/wishmasters of desires


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The word "demon" comes from the Greek word daimon, which means “divine power” and "divine knowledge". Daimones were rather like guardian spirits to the Greeks. It originally did not mean an "evil" spirit, but simply a spirit intermediate in power between gods and humans. For example, Socrates was quoted by Plato as saying he got some guidance from a daimon. Such spirits could be beneficial, harmful, both, or neither. Only later were they thought to be necessarily "evil" -- that is, "evil" according to what is considered "evil" by the prevailing religion. The Question is: What is considered good and what is considered evil? Any entity no matter what label they are given can do EITHER good or evil…so the so-called good angels (Jehovah’s angels) and the so-called evil angels (Satan’s angels) can BOTH do good or evil no matter what labeled they are titled. Jehovah’s angels and Satan’s angels can BOTH move about unseen and they BOTH can interact with living people and non-living (spirits/entities/elementals etc) at any given time. They BOTH can possess people (dwelling within them and controlling them), do hauntings, and do paranormal activities in homes/properties/objects. Both Angels can cause unusual natural and supernatural phenomenon; therefore, the average person NEEDS to know which and what angel they’re dealing with and which/what angel they are exorcising/depossessing.

During my paranormal investigations, I have witnessed possessions mostly by Jehovah’s angels than so with Satan’s angels. As we all know…there is a battle…a spiritual battle between the two spiritual systems of reality…which is Heaven and Hell. Neither Angel favor each other, yet…I have encountered possessions done by Jehovah’s angels and not so much so from Satan’s angels. This is based upon paranormal investigational facts not on personal opinions. Even in the spiritual world of the Demons/esses and of the Angels…the statement is perhaps true “…By any means necessary” DO apply to BOTH of the Angels. Meaning: that BOTH will do ANYTHING for humans and/or entities to be on their side. Thorough meaning: Either Demons/esses or Angels can imposter themselves as the other just to downgrade and lower the status of the other side. This thereby makes mankind to be discouraged or to disfavor one side for the other.

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When I speak of Demons and Demonesses….I am speaking of genders of the Demons. Demons are male Demons, and Demonesses are female Demons. Yet, there are several who are hermaphrodites (androgynous)…with both sexual genders/parts…and yes, of course, they are several who are single sexed/gendered (unisexed/unisexual). They have names and are classified into different hierarchies. Most have several names “each” which a skilled person can communicate (invoked/evoked) with them and their names are interchangeable in various Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Greek, and Hebrew religions and cultures. They are not hideous in appearance as most paranormal investigators try to discriminate them for. Most films, television, movies and romantic horror novels dramatized the Demons and Demonesses as weak, bond by laws of Jehovah and other superficial exaggerations…this is all FALSE. The Demons and Demonesses are very free and are very much as real as you and I and they have no bonds which are holding them back from dealing their will. There are millions if not billions of each of the Angels (Satan’s Angels and Jehovah’s angels). Some are unseen and some can be seen by psychics, highly sensitive people, babies/childrens, pets and other spirits/entities. The scents of the presence of Demons & Demonesses are of sweet fragrances, floral, spicy, and some are of brimstone and sulfur. The theory that Demons and Demonesses have ONLY foul-smelling scents, odors of rotten eggs or odors of rotten corpse: are all FALSE accusations. The theory that Demons and Demonesses are hideous images with horns, cloven hoofs for feet, holding pitch forks, the color of crimson red and/or onyx black, sharp teeth, pointed ears, claws for fingers, black mists/shadows, a black covered tall man standing at the foot of the bed, goat’s legs for legs, arrow pointed tail….this is all FALSE. Most Demons and Demonesses have human characteristics and most are very attractive and charming in appearance. No they don’t have a wicked laughter. No they don’t have a rough, profanity voice/words. No they don’t go possessing every human beings, nor haunting homes/properties/cemeteries, nor possessing objects/inanimate objects. No they are not seeking or bargaining for souls.

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Exorcisms which is done from a Christian aspect is not effective enough to rid entities from homes and people. Entities and families are still not living in peace due to the fact that the exorcisms which is done by Catholic priests are not effective enough. Those type of exorcisms are lead to retaliations and grave-dangers between families and the entities. When we do cleansings/deposssesions, we do so by Pagan rituals and Pagan ceremonies. Pagan rituals are more effective with entities of all sorts.

As the old saying goes: “In order to fight fire…is to fight fire with fire”. Liquid like gasoline can not put out fire…it will only make it worse. That is what gasoline (Christian exorcisms) is to different entities (fire). It makes the problems worse not better. A priest/pastor/minister/rabbi would have to have PURE FAITH, CONFIDENCE AND COURAGE IN THEIR FAITH/RELIGION in order to have a successful outcome. And, most of them I have witnessed have MORE FEAR toward the Demons/Demonsesses and other spirits/entities than do the vulnerable family who is going through the ordeal. Any person who has less faith in their religion or physical skills will NOT see results. It’s like…”the blind leading the blind”. Having fear….is what hurts families in haunted homes. The fears we have about Demons and Demonesses are going against our own power to defeat entities of all sorts. When a person have fear, they are weakening themselves, weakening their homes and very much weakening their families strengths. As long as a person has fear it will defeat them and will make them vulnerable to spiritual and physical attacks, and they will not be able to see the truth, and they would not be able to differentiate between fact or fiction.

When we “Eternal Nile Psychic Activities” team come out to do paranormal investigations, you can trust that we will come with an open-heart and with an open-mind. We are Occultists as well…we KNOW that paranormal activities exist and we are your advocates. We do not lead you to think that this is all in your mind. Unlike other paranormal investigators…we are NOT skeptics….we are NOT atheists. We are here to investigate and as well as cleanse homes/people of psychic attacks. With our knowledge we can therefore educate the community to let them know that we are not alone in this world…our world the mundane (normal) is intertwined with the arcane world (magickal/spiritual world). We all must learn how to co-exist with the spiritual world in order to continue to exist ourselves. And, we all must learn how to obtain knowledge ’cause knowledge is power.

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In the section/link you will see “Paranormal Investigations”. There you will see info and services we have concerning paranormal investigations. If you have a haunting of any sort…you may email me with all your information and I will get back with you in less than 48 hours to set an interview with you.

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