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HERE ARE THE LIST OF CATAGORIES OF MY SERVICES: click on the link of your choice to get details of each service:

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DEMONS & DEMONESSES...what you didn't know
SPIRITS & GHOSTS...poltergeists, telekinesis & other psy abilities
POSSESSIONS...the hidden truth
EXORCISMS...why & how most exorcisms work & doesn't work
FAIRIES...the world of the
DJINNS...genies/wishmasters of desires

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Our objective is to investigate and research all claims of paranormal activities. We are a team of Paranormal Investigators whose primary goals are: to educate, give spiritual guidance, document, investigate, and solve the Paranormal Activities which are going on. We are your advocates…we are here for you. Unlike other parapsychologists we would not go in with a closed-heart…we are not skeptics. We are practioners of the Occult and Paranormal Investigators who ALREADY know that the spirit world DO EXIST, and we will help prove what you are experiencing are not in your mind…and that we will help you spiritually and scientifically prove the existence of the spirit world. We will definitely go in with professional mannerism and with an opened-heart.

We also strive to educate the public, and help those who live with hauntings deal with their fears and experiences. As a Psychic, Paranormal Investigator and Occultist, I work with a professional team. Each of us are from different Occult backgrounds and we are here to help others solve their paranormal activities. We use high-tech electronic equipment to document and substantiate yours and ours experiences while doing the investigations. We investigate both public places and private residences, and although we are based in Natchez, Mississippi we are able and available to travel and to investigate haunted sites around the country and abroad. If you know of a haunted area that you would like for us to investigate, or if you live in a house which you believe might be haunted, please e-mail me and I shall set up a paranormal investigation interview with you.

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Outward Manifestations are any unusual things that may happen in a person’s home/residence, building, land/property and/or public/private location which can be classified as PARANORMAL ACTIVITIES BY SPIRITS/ENTITIES/UNKNOWN SOURCES. List of examples of Outward Manifestations would be any or all of these occurrences:

1). Objects Moving I…are common in hauntings. These objects can range from a light candle to a 500- pound heavy refrigerator. Pictures may fly off walls, furniture may slide across the floor, doors and drawers may open and slam closed, and windows may open and slam closed. Some of the times, the objects will miss people…the intention of the spirit/entity/unknown source is to get the person’s attention… or to deliberately hurt the person when something is being thrown at them.

2). Objects Moving II…are very common in the disappearance and reappearance of objects. This can happen right there in front of you and in front of others within a blink of an eye.

3). Sounds… Among the sounds you may hear is knocking, pounding, tapping, scratching sounds, growls and even voices. When you hear voices, they are usually in a whisper (a faint sound). Footsteps are a common sound during a haunting. Crying is fairly common and more unnerving. The maniacal laughing often takes place in a negative haunting.

4). Visions I… the light shows you may witness. Balls of light flying through the air are common manifestations during a haunting. What these balls of lights are is the spirits/entities/unknown sources electromagnetic energy and spirit-form moving at an accelerated rate (at the speed of light) These balls of light may be of any color although blue and red seem to be the most common. Sometimes there are arcs of electricity observable. Sometimes small white orbs may float by. They are usually transparent, almost like bubbles. Other color images are sparkles…blinking/flashing lights of stars. These color sparkles/stars are of red, blue, and white. Blue symbolizes Demons/Demonesses. Red symbolizes Angels. White symbolizes natures elementals (fairies, elves, salamanders, brownies, etc), spirits of pets/animals, and other living souls/living beings (time traveling by other living human beings from other dimensions and teleportation/astral projection/OBE …out-of -body experience from other living souls/living beings from this same dimension located not far away).

5). Visions II… seeing one or more spirit(s) form. In most cases, human spirits will appear as they did in life. Some Spirits will appear to be translucent. These Spirits are also referred to as “Apparitions” which they are only visible from the waist up. These apparitions usually seem to float as opposed to walking. In the same instance, a Spirit will appear to be translucent from their head to their toes… meaning: you not only can see their upper torso but you can also see their lower torso as well…the spirit can reveal any or all parts of their bodies parts to you if they wish too (like their face, like their arms, like their hand, like their eyes, etc.). In some instances, a Spirit will appear to be a solid as anyone living. In fact, there have been occasions where people have talked to what appeared to be a living person. MOST IMPORTANTLY…SPIRITS ARE VERY SENSITIVE…THEY CHOOSE NOT FOR THE LIVING TO CALL THEM “GHOSTS, GHOULS, HIDEOUS CREATURES, SPOOKS ETC”…THEY PREFER TO BE CALLED/REFERRED TO AS: “SPIRITS” or “APPARITIONS” or “ENTITIES” or “SPIRITUAL BEINGS”.

6). Visions III…Sometimes, shadows will be seen. There will appear what seems to be a black, amorphous mist. I have often referred to this as "an absence of light." Meaning: even in pitch dark, you can see a darker spot where the spirit forms. Extremely rare are forms that appear as some form of Demon or Demoness. Yes…there are male Demons (which is simply called Demons) and there are female Demons (which is simply called Demonesses). Look within the links I have provided… I have given detailed, unknown discussions about Demons and Demonesses which many people including other psychics and other paranormal investigators are mislead to believe. Under rare occasions…Demons and Demonesses are by no means the reasons behind most hauntings and possessions…Demons and Demonesses are not the reasons for most of the bizarre happenings. Demons and Demonesses are “not” how they look like or act like on television, filmed in movies, and romanticized in fantasy books. Yes, Demons and Demonesses are real…just as real as you and I…but it is NOT their motto to haunt and possess all which is living or nonliving…if that was the case we should’ve had ARMAGEDDON already.

7). Visions IV…Occasionally, animal shapes are seen due to the fact that even animals or pets (cats, dogs, etc) are known to spiritually returned to their owner; spiritually returned to the place of their death; or spiritually returned to the place which they would consider home. More common is what appears to be something scurrying across the floor and bright shining eyes closing and shutting either in the home or on the grounds (outside) and this is also followed by sounds of the animal of which it made when it was alive. This is usually seen peripherally (your side-vision of the eye)…and most often seen right there in front of you.

8). Visions V…images of static or electrical energies, electricity, and all things electrical are being seen flickering on and off and electricity are seen moving from one direction to another in the haunted area. Sometimes this will be seen as static-formed clouds which resemble fog but it is also electrical or has static which seems to take a shape of a figure. Also all things electrical will start to flicker on and off such as the television, light switch, lights, phones irregular ringings, other electrical appliances doesn’t seem to work or come on by itself without being turned on or plugged in.

9). Smells …Foul stenches and even flowery smells are smelt. Usually whatever the Spirit’s scent or smell is….that is what one would smell in the room. If a Spirit when alive, love wearing perfume or cologne then there would be the smell of that particular fragrance throughout the room where the Spirit was present. Foul stenches usually mean negativity or where the spirit(s) had died or where they were layed to rest or where they were layed unrested (until given a proper burial).

10). Temperature Changes… are very common during outbreaks of paranormal phenomena. It’s the eerie-feeling cold that often takes place…when goose-bumps and the hairs on your skin stands-up. This results in a “sudden” feeling cold but the thermometer will remain constant in the room…cold air/smoke/vapors can be seen coming through the mouth when breathing/talking in the cold air. At the same time, the temperature will change suddenly and dramatically…it will drop degrees below quickly. If the interior temperature (inside the home) drops dramatically while the external temperature (outside the home) remains constant and no form of cooling equipment was introduced, you have evidence that the laws of physics have been violated by paranormal activities.

11). Touched… this will be an unnerving and cold touch. In most cases, the touching is in the form of poking or pinching. Occasionally, clothes may be tugged, pulling of the hair, and rearranging of the hair. ***In “worst cases” which these will be considered serious conditions there will be: multiple scratches on the skin, slapped faces, punches on the body, levitating/thrown bodies, harsh physical torments done to a person’s body and; of course, possessions of an entity(ies) upon those who lives in the house or who visit’s the home is great evidences of paranormal activities in the home. ***NOT ALL HARSH PARANORMAL ACTIVITIES ARE DEMONIC …THERE ARE UNTRUTHS & TRUTHS ABOUT DEMONS & DEMONESSES WHICH NEEDS TO BE BROUGHT TO THE LIGHT.

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For all your Paranormal Investigations...***please email me with your info, specifics, the haunting situation you are having, and location. Prices range according to: transportation/travel, lodging, meals, the use of my high tech paranormal investigation equipments, the spiritual cleansing/depossession/exorcism of the home or person, and how severe or mild the Hauntings situations are. When it is being determined that you have a Haunting, I can provide CLEANSING/DEPOSSESSION (EXORCISM...FROM PAGAN RITUALS NOT CHRISTIAN CEREMONIES). It is important to know when dealing with Spirits…you have a delicate and serious situation which needs to be handled with delicate and serious methods. Christianity methods of cleansings/exorcisms are not ridding nor helping the Spirits or other Entities to move on. I have several links on the subject matters about Demons/esses, Spirits, Possessions/Exorcism and other Entities which will shed some light on the matter. When I do cleansings/exorcisms…I perform them by using Pagan rituals and Pagan methods. Pagan rituals and Pagan methods are very effective on Paranormal Investigations.

There is allot about Spirits that people don’t know or REFUSE to want to know about Spirits…but there is ALLOT which the Spirits DO know about us when they “cross-over” or “passes away”. When their soul is out of the physical body, they can do superhuman things. Most Spirits do not believe in Christianity and we all know that Demons/esses despise Christianity as well. This is why most of the Christian’s methods of trying to get rid of Spirits and other Entities FAIL. The Spirits know what exist….and they know what DO NOT exist. So…that is why BEFORE doing any kind of religious method it is best to know the Spirits/Entities which “occupies” your home. Now…notice the word I mention…“occupies”. We are always “visited” by Spirits/Entities…we can NOT change that…we can not destroy or kill what is already deceased and you can NOT destroy or kill what is ETERNAL. “OCCUPIES”, “VISITED”, “HAUNTED” is the same meaning. Now, there is a difference between a HAUNTED house and a POSSESSED house. Haunted is when we are “visited” by Spirits/Entities…we are always visited by other Spirits/Entities and it is non-life threatening. Possessed is when a Spirit/Entity is “taking control” of something…very serious/dangerous problems occur which can be very life threatening.

You and I…we are all Spirits too….but we are within our physical bodies. We are all souls which are connected in this huge universe (there are other multi-universes as well…and we are connected there too). We have to learn how to co-exist with the Spirits/Entities. We can definitely send them away…but it is always temporary…but for how long temporary…it depends on the people who are already living in the home and it also depends upon the Spirits/Entities. For example: after cleansing the home and the troubling Spirits are removed, let’s just say one of the teenagers in the home decided to practice on a Ouija board or decided to summon a malicious Entity…they will automatically “open doors” …this will unintentionally BRING BACK the unwanted Spirits. After every cleansing, we always provide our clients with simple spiritual instructions on how to keep their home spiritually safe, and we will always be there to help you should your home be REPOSSESSED again. Our world is a “thin veil” with theirs…it is very easy for them to spiritually travel from one dimension to the next and definitely from one part of the country to the next. Spirits and Entities can permeate unto our physical plane.

While doing the cleansing/exorcisms/depossessions…we will definitely communicate with the Spirit(s) to help guide them “to the light” and we will work out a spiritual peace between you and them. If they choose not to go “to the light” and they choose not to go in peace then we will try to work out a spiritual peace for you and them to co-exist. During that moment, we will utilize our Pagan Rituals and Pagan Methods with full force to effectively communicate with them and cleanse them away. If for example, if the house were their home before you moved in…question is…who would want to give up their home. The Spirits feel just because they are deceased doesn’t mean they have to give up their belongings or their home, and they feel that they don’t have to give up their families either. Under severe conditions and if the cleansing doesn’t send them away immediately and if they still refuse to leave…then we will speak with you, then communicate with them…if both you and them still decide not to leave the home… then it would be to the best interest to the both of you to CO-EXIST in the same home…because in-truth and in-reality…the house DOES belong to both you and them. It’s no different when we still claim our late great grandparents, our ancestors, and the family heir inheritance as STILL “OUR FAMILY” belongings…even though they had passed away for many years or decades…they are still considered as our family…we still claim them as part of us…we are still their descendants… and their homes which they have built many decades ago we still consider it as our own…keeping the home within the family lineage is a way of showing respect for our family’s struggles and inheritances.

So, the same frame of mind we have about OUR belongings…is the same frame of mind how the Spirits feel about THEIR belongings. Perhaps now you have an understanding why the Spirits feel that the house is still their house….it IS their house…just like our great-grandparents are still our family. The Spirits feel that they don’t have to give up anything just because they are deceased.

The spirits feel…"THEY CAN STILL TAKE IT WITH THEM". We must all learn to get alone with the Spirit world just as we try to get along with our living human family members, neighbors, co-workers…and even our enemies. We must suffice and co-exist in ORDER TO EXIST OURSELVES.

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