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Quote of the day: Does anyone actually read these quotes?
I'm Back  

A rest, well earned... if I may say so myself. Meet new people, have fun, experience new things. If anyone needs a holiday, (like I did three weeks ago) then head on down to sunny Lindeman Island. When I get my photos developed, I'll stick them into the archived folder. Come back soon.




Damian Keeghan


Hello, Hello

Well I've don't have any school media work at the moment so I'm free for the moment, but alas there will be no updates of this website until three weeks time. I'm off on holidays for those three weeks so I'll be having fun on the gold coast. Happy Holidays to All!




Damian Keeghan


Design Requests Welcome

If anyone wants a design made for any multi media work (e.g. magazine, business cards, corporate logos, web avatars, website flash banners, intro movies, videos etc...) They are available here... for a price. (I need to make enough money to stop those flaming ads from popping up all over the place!) All prices are negotiable, and the price will differ depending on the size/length of the production and the amount of time given until the due date. If you are interested, (and I can guaranty the nets cheapest prices) please contact me at


Happy Friday 13th, (...and Happy Birthday to Andrew RJ)


Damian Keeghan


Major Update

There has been a major update taken place:

- The Current Work Page is updated to display the magazine and flash movie. Head over there and check it out!

- New Tutorials - Sunset Tutorial for Photoshop and Preloader Tutorial for Flash.

- Updated Archives

- Updated Home Page (Surprise, Surprise)




Damian Keeghan



Welcome to the Damian Keeghan | Totally Useless Productions (DK|TU) website. This is a relatively new site made and designed by me, Damian Keeghan. This site is basically an online portfolio of all my Media and Multi-Media work.


Here is a basic overview of the site:

Home: This is the Home. It is where all the major news details are shown and all of the updates posted. This is my major form of communication to people out there on the net.

About DK|TU: This is a brief overview of who I am, and why I do what I do.

Current Projects: This is where I will display all of the projects that I am currently working on. All of them to do with Multi Media of course.

Archives: All completed projects will be displayed here. Low Quality Videos will also be uploaded here if I can find a reasonable server with high storage space and a good bandwidth.

Tutorials: This will contain a couple of small tutorials for people wanting to create good multi-media work. It will contain many different topics like, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash MX and more.

Contact: Well this is fairly self-explanatory, this is just a list of contact details that can be posted here. It will probably include forums as well, but that's a long way off. 


Also, If you have a good quote, please email it to me ( and I will post it on the site.


Well that's enough from me, hope you enjoy my work. Please also note, that everything found on my website is copyrighted, and if any of the contents contained herein are displayed on any other website without proper authority the parties responsible will have to deal with the consequences.




Damian Keeghan




Design Created By Damian Keeghan

Copyright 2003 - Damian Keeghan and Totally Useless Productions