The Land of Faery
Award Page

The faeries believe that you put much
love and fae magic in creating your
realm.  They know how much time it
takes to create such a mystical place
where fae folk can visit and feel welcome.


The faeries would be honored if you would display their award on your magical and enchanting site.


please download award to your hard drive and link back to
{  https://www.angelfire.com/or/mystifyme/index.html  }

Faery Hugs and Kisses
Mystify Me

The Land of Faery Quick Menu
The Land of Faery
What is a Faery   What a Faery Looks Like
The OtherWorld   Faeries and Humans
Faery Rings   Fairy Superstitions
Faery Poems   Faery Stories
Believe in Magic   Faery Counting
Virtual Greetings   Greeting Cards
We Believe in Santa    Gifts and Awards
Web Rings   Sign Guest Book
Campaign & Society Memberships
Apply for our Award   Contact Me

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