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The fox on the exit from the *Fushimi Inari* railroad station.

First main torii gate to Fushimi Inari shrine

2nd main torii gate

3rd main gate and first glimpse of the shrine grounds

First Inari statue, with bib (see journal entry for signficance)

Another Inari statue, with a ball, companion to the first

Guardian of the Inari shrine

Companion guardian.

Right side of the main shrine building and another fox.. ^^.

In the very center (hard to see) is a shinto priest making an offering to Inari

Wall of ema (votive tablets or prayer boards) at the shrine.

Closeup of ema: "100 points (on a test) and to be able to happily play every day".. likely a child's prayer

Closeup of the front of the ema.

This one asks for a quick recovery to their father's illness

Front of another ema (snakes are very lucky in Japan)

Inari is primarily a business god, so many stick their business cards ("meishi") into shrine buildings

The large bell you ring to summon the god.

Fushimi Inari has more torii than I've ever seen in one place before.

Difficult to see, but within this shrine building is a statue of a horse in full barding (full size).

LIttle easier to see the horse, as well as the food offerings that priests and visitors give to the statue

Another barded horse, with young.

These little strips of paper are fortunes--you buy them at the shrine "office" and if they are GOOD, you take them with you. If they are BAD you tie them here and hope they don't come true.

It's begun to rain at this point, but notice the white bandages on the foot. The statue's foot was cracked, so along with glue, they wrapped it in a bandage just like a normal animal.

First torii pathway. Many of the gates are thousands of years old.

Closeup of one of the lanterns.

I'm not entirely sure of the significance of this statue.

Two sacred rocks

Dedication plaque on one torii gate.

Main torii and two guardian Inari statues in front of the diverging covered torii paths.

Inside a path, looking forward.

Looking back, one can see the dates of each torii's construction.

Wet Byron and Wet Ursula.


Many of the fifty or so little shrines on the mountain had their own purification points, such as this one.

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Birthday photos!!
(Infamous) Trip to Galveston
Moving Jimmy and Stephanie to Wisconsin
The last few pre-departure pics!
First set of pictures from Japan!
First week in Japan, pictures from the dorms
Osaka Castle pics
Osaka Castle pics Page2

CHECK OUT THESE OTHER PAGES!!! (Some have pics of me, and many of the ppl my journal talks about!!"):

Josh and Meredith's Page
Mike's Page, check out Matt's Bday pics at Hakkenden.

Home, sweet home pics