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The BEST thing about the future?

                            There is time to change it!
                                                                          and it day at a time...


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ITS BACK! The Are YOU Psychic Self Evaluation! To read more --- click here

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Is he or she a Soul Mate?



OFFICE NUMBER 513-202-1426         Email -

Office Hours for Phone Sessions    9 am to 8 PM Eastern Standard Time



Even if you have had 1000 psychic readings before this one …
please take the time to read thru this information before ordering your reading
and definitely,
calling in for your telephone session.

Where I would think, the following information is common knowledge, apparently, it is not.

When you call in for your reading please…

1. Do NOT call me from your work, school, the mall or while driving.
Would you want me to do your reading for you, while I am preparing dinner for my family?
Would you want me to have a room full of people in the background, talking - while I provide your reading?
I would say your answer is no. You WANT and deserve my full on attention.

I need this same thing from you.

Call me when you have private time.
If there is chaos and commotion behind you,
I will pick up on that.

 If you are distracted, I will be distracted.

2. Call me with an open mind.
Do not be worried that I am going to tell you about death, dying or terminal health issues
that you can do nothing about. I do not do this.
In fact, I believe about 90% of our lives can be changed.

I do believe in destiny…but destiny (I believe) is about 10% of life.
Call me knowing, you can stop your reading at anytime and you will be charged
for only the time you have used. And I also make sure I am going to connect to you
before I take the reading. (More on that below).

If you call in, nervous, apprehensive, scattered, unfocused,
or with an angry energy lingering from the last psychic that gave you a bad reading…
I will pick up on this. And most likely, I will decline taking your reading.

3. Have questions & topics in mind to discuss with me.
If I am able to connect with you in the connection time period
and we decide to go ahead to the reading…I do not sit and talk about “what I see”
for your reading time. Once we have confirmed a connection of accuracy,
we will go to your questions & topics.

WHY do I do this?

When someone says to me, “Vicki what do you see for my future?” -
I literally feel like I’ve been thrown into the middle of a tornado.
I sit at my desk and I feel like I am at Walmart, I’ve gotten out of a red car with black interior.
The car needs a rubber hose fixed or else the car is going to break down
on the side of the road…oh, this isn’t a road, it’s a highway…and I see the numbers 313.

It is cold outside. Now I am not at Walmart, now I am standing, on sand,
it is warm…you are with 3 other people…it is 2 men and 1 female.
Oh, the female has the warmest brown eyes. Oh okay…this is your sister.

This is what it is like for me when someone says, “What do you see for my future?”

Also - when someone asks, “What do you see for _______________”
* fill that blank in with anything from What do you see for my family?
What do you see for my kids?
What do you see for my spouse?
What do you see for my career?

Once again - I have so many emotions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations going on,
 it is overwhelming.

And, if you have ordered a 10, 20, or 30 minute reading
…I sit there wondering…okay, how in the world am I going to tell this client,
everything I just experienced - in this time frame?!?!

When someone says, “What do you see about my family?”
And there are five people in their family … that person is going to need a lot more
than a 30 minute session with me so I can deliver
…everything “I” could see about their family.

I listen to your words - If you say to me - what do you see for my job - I am going to tune into YOUR JOB
…the bad thing? I may see a lot of incidentals - unimportant information - plus, I do not know if I have been psychically dropped down into your “job” and what is going on with it today…or 2 months from now.

I do not use a pendulum, a crystal ball, runes, or tarot cards.
I receive psychic information thru my own five senses …
I take on feelings of others, I hear certain words, names, numbers, sentences, information…
I may even feel “fired”, “promoted”, “happy about my job”, “sad about my job”…

If you want to know if you will get a promotion - ask.
If you want to know if Susie, the gal who works beside you likes you - ask.
If you want to know, why you are always being written up - ask.

The more specific your question is,
the more focused my answer and information will be.

This does NOT mean, I will reply with a yes or no.
Believe me, I am a talker …
I will pick up a lot of details surrounding most situations.
But give me a focus.

Today I had a call from a woman. I know what she wanted to know…she wanted to know if her husband was cheating.
I had explained how I read in full, to this client. I already knew why she had called in.
But, I also know, sometimes… it is not time for a person to hear certain things…
and sometimes we ask questions that we don’t really want the answer to.

I knew if I explained to her, the way I read - if she did not understand that
she would not understand what I had to tell her, about the husband.

The reading ended with me telling the woman,
I could not read for her.
And, we hung up.

The thing is, when I did my connection process … that was accurate.
I was able to tell her a few things about herself and her life … that she should know…that I should not.
This lets me know, I am going to be able to psychically tune into the person.
But, when she asked such a vague question -- I knew I could not help her.
She was not ready to hear what was going on with her spouse L

My goal is to not only tell you, yes you are getting that promotion or no you are not moving to Florida ..
My goal is to help you change negative situations into positive outcomes.
Very often with faith and a little hard work, we can change the way things are going.
But I also know…there are times and situations when I cannot help
and its best for me not to waste your time and money.

I highly recommend coming to the phone with a few questions & topics jotted down on a piece of paper.
This way, you will remember what you wanted to talk about once the reading gets going.
You can also take notes from the reading.
You don’t have to write long sentences & paragraphs - it’s more important that you are listening to me.
But by writing just a few keywords under the question,
you will be surprised how much this helps you down the line
to recall the information that came thru in your reading.


When you call -
save a few extra minutes … if you have purchased the 20 minute reading,
be sure you don’t have to hang up and run at 21 minutes.
I won’t just slam the phone down at that 20-minute mark or whenever your time is up.
Whatever we are talking about, I will wrap up. And if you feel you need more time,
you can purchase more time.

Before additional charges are applied to your fee, I will let you know.

What is this “connection process”?

As the website states - if you are a first time client …
(this means if I have never read for you before)
then before I provide your reading,
I am going to make sure that I am able to connect to you with accuracy.

This is not valid for the email readings - it is not valid for the in person sessions.

Now, the way that I will do this connection process…
I will write your first name, on paper with a pen, several times.
As I do this - I should begin to tune into you.

I may pick up on your general characteristics such as …
how tall you are, body frame, hair and/or eye color…
I also like to tune in and tell you how many siblings and/or children/pregnancies you have.

I want to tell you information that is general in nature - BUT specific for you.

I will ask you to let me know if
YES - that information does make sense for me
NO - this information does not apply to me.

Please - listen to what I am saying and remember
I am telling you about you, your past and present…at this point,
my focus is not on the future. But the past could be yesterday and it
could be 30 years ago.

I do NOT want any other details - just the yes or no when I provide my comments.

Why do I do this connection process?

Several reasons…

1. I am not a nosy psychic.
I do not want to talk about anything you do not want to discuss.
I learned a long time ago - if I touch on an area the client does not
want to discuss, they will tell me, “no, that’s not me” … even though,
it is them. It is better for us not to
 “go there” on topics you do not want to discuss.

2. I want you to know that you are dealing with an authentic psychic.
Even though the things I will ask to see, hear, feel
are general in nature, they are specific for you.

This will confirm whether I am connecting to you or not.

3. I do not feel like I am supposed to read for every person.
I have found it amazing that the people that find me, usually are
going thru something, that I have gone thru myself, or am very
aware of.

I used to do psychic fairs.
I would sit next to my best friend who is also an esteemed colleague.
We are close to the same age … we have both been in this field for a long time
 we are very much alike in many ways.

But what I found amazing, the people that would sit down with her to have a reading
had the same issues going on in their lives, that she herself had experienced
and the folks that sat down with me - were similar to my experiences!

I’m not saying this happened two or three times thru the day -
it happened about 70 to 80 percent of the time!

So - maybe I won’t connect with you … but I know someone who can.

Each morning, I say a small prayer and meditation.
This is not a major event but something I do everyday and several times thru the day.
One of the things that I have asked while in prayer thru the years is that the people
I am supposed to help
will find me.

That I will have that connection of accuracy.
Its “my sign” that I will be able to provide a good, solid, accurate reading that helps.

When someone calls in - and there is commotion in the background, or all of a sudden,
“I PSYCHICALLY FEEL” like I am driving in a car … it’s a good sign
that I am not supposed to read for this person. ;)
And, I will decline the reading.

I am well aware that the skeptics & cynics will say that psychics like background information
 they want you to tell us everything so we can make an educated guess.

For me, I will stop you if you are telling me too much information.
If I have too much information - what happens is that it taints
my psychic approach to the question.

Here is what I mean -
if someone says to me
“Vicki, should I leave my husband?
He is running around, cheating.
He stays out all night and sometimes for days at a time!
He isn’t paying the bills and he is an alcoholic.”

Now - all of these negative factors is in my mind.
The “woman” side of me - wants to say,
“Well heck yeah! Get away from there!!!”

BUT - this could be what the client THINKS is going on with the husband.
What if…the husband is working long hours - he has told his wife that
he is working and every time she calls him, he answers…but her fears of infidelity
has her believing he is cheating…and maybe he has not paid the bills means
the woman’s credit card bill that is over $10,000.

And alcoholic?
Maybe he has a cocktail twice a week…
but the client does not believe in drinking at all.
TO her…he is an alcoholic.

I have to be able to approach this question without judgment…
not my own judgment - and not YOUR judgment.

We all have opinions …
but I have to be able to tell you that he is not coming home…
I have to be able to tell you he drinks but it is not excessively,
in the scheme of things.

So, I will stop you if you are telling me too much.

I know that people like to have the psychic tell them things that they know,
that the psychic should not - and I do this…thru out your reading.

I am not asking you to give me specific questions so I can draw on that …
I am asking you to give me specific questions so that I am not wasting your time
on information you may not feel important.

If I have to sit and psychically dig in to get your question -
or if I need to decide what to discuss as I sense information
surrounding your life - most likely, its not going to be a
reading you enjoy or get much detail from.

As I always say - the more specific your question…the more
specific my focus.


After the connection process if you choose to go ahead with your reading
but a few minutes in - you feel like you are not happy with the reading,
let me know.

You can still stop the reading and you will be charged for only the time you have used.

I hope to provide you with a reading that you find helpful & healing.
And if I can’t … maybe I can suggest someone that can.

God bless and thank you for taking the time to read over this.




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Vicki's work as a keynote speaker on the psychic arts, radio personality, and guest author over the past sixteen years, coupled with her amazing accuracy, keen insights, and a very down to earth personality... has provided Vicki the opportunity to appear in various avenues of the media.

From STAR Magazine to Cincinnati Magazine ... Your Time with Kim Iverson to Angel Waves Talk Radio ... Vicki's work is professional, prompt and most of all interesting.

Take time to visit Vicki's testimonial page where you can read tributes & reviews from Vicki's colleagues and co hosts.

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN HAVING VICKI JOIN YOUR RADIO STATION - PUBLICATION - EVENT? Email the office and we'll get back to you a.s.a.p.

To view Vicki's media resume / testimonials click here










CiN Weekly
liz and carson show

More Media Appearances featuring Psychic Vickiveil click here


  This is not a 900 psychic line -- All readings are provided by Vicki.


Vicki is no longer offering in person consultations.
Vicki will continue to offer Telephone & Email Readings.

(all scheduled in person readings will be completed. Once
our appointments are complete, you may check this websi













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