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OFFICE NUMBER 513.202.1426                                                     EMAIL the OFFICE 







This is a 1-time charge

The support takes place over a 3 day / 72 hour time period!
(this is not unlimited access)
This is not just a one time phone call or 1 email with information. 

This service includes
2 emails from Vicki
1 - 20 minute phone consultation 

After viewing the photo of your pet 
if Vicki does not feel a connection 
we will refund your fee via Paypal. 

After the 1st email from Vicki is
sent to your email account ... 
we do not refund the fee.

Your location does not matter - Vicki has helped pet owners
find their pets from California to South Africa. Folks often ask
if their pet has been missing too long to utilize the Missing Support. 
The longest time period for a pet missing where Vicki was able 
to locate the pet was 9 months.  




The Missing Pet Support provides the pet owner with:

Written descriptions of important areas & routes the pet would have traveled 
from the time of their escape to their current location. Sometimes a step by step
tracking comes thru. Meaning what did he/she see within the first 5 minutes, what
did they hear within the first 10 minutes. This is helpful for the pet owner to retrace
the steps that the pet traveled and when possible, talk to anyone that may have 
noticed the pet as they went by. 

A description of anyone they may have encountered along their journey.

Landmarks are provided; such as schools, libraries,
police & fire stations, businesses, stores, groceries, parks, etc
This helps the pet owner navigate the journey of the pet. 

Smells & Sounds - is the pet near a train station or airport?
Can the pet smell gas or fried chicken?
Can they hear hammering, banging, trains, school children?

Vicki will ask your pet:

Are you physically okay?
   Have you eaten? (is yes, what?)  
What are you seeing, hearing, smelling? 
What do you see from your current location?
What did you pass along your journey?
Why did you leave? 

Stay where you are (if the pet is in a safe place)
Vicki lets the pet know we are searching for them and to be alert
of your voice



What Happens during the Missing Support?

This is not a one time, 20 or 30 minute interaction with Vicki.

Your time with Vicki lasts for approximately 72 hours from the 1st email...
Vicki sends out the 1st email with location info ...
you use those details to narrow in on the location...
come back to your computer, let us know what you were able to locate - 
Vicki sends another email on the 2nd half (roughly at the 24-40 hour mark)
You use your phone time if the pet has not been found 
between the 48 & 72 hour mark. 

"After working on missing cases for people via email & telephone I found that the best way 
to help a pet owner is to make sure they do not miss one word nor one description that comes thru
during my connection to the pet. If we were to rely on a phone conversation, you run the risk of 
not writing down a landmark or piece of information that is vital to the pets location. 

By having the info in an email...every single word, description and landmark is in writing. 
You can print and take the email with you during your search."

Once we receive your payment via Paypal for the Missing Support -
we will contact you by email.
We use the email address that you used thru Paypal to send out our confirmation letter.

The confirmation letter will ask you
to send in ONE photo of the missing pet.
It does not matter how old or how new this picture is.

We will ask you to send over the missing pets first name only
and the 1st name only of the pets owner. 

Once we receive this information, it will be forwarded to Vicki's private email address.
If Vicki feels that she is not going to connect with the pet
or if she feels she will not be able to help you locate the pet,
she will not accept this case. 

We will refund your Paypal payment will be refunded to you.

The 1st email will contain any and all descriptions, landmarks and emotions, that Vicki picks up from your pet.

We suggest printing Vicki's emails and have someone to help you with
the driving and the search. Please have anyone that will help you
search to read the Missing Pet Support Prep Letter which will be emailed to
you prior to the start of your time with Vicki. This prep email helps you to
understand how Vicki receives her information and terms she may use. 

We want to stretch out your time with Vicki to that 72 hour mark. 
Vicki will send 1st email, approximately 24-40 hours later, 
(and after we hear back via email from you)
the 2nd email goes out. 
If the pet is not located or we cannot confirm his/her where abouts at the
40-60 hour mark we want to use the phone time. 

This does NOT mean you have unlimited access to Vicki for 72 hours.
You will have the opportunity to interact via email with Vicki, three times. 
Once your 2nd email is sent - you will have up to 24 hours to use
your telephone time with Vicki.

This is why we say, this reading is not for everyone. 

It is entirely possible for Vicki to confuse Wal-Mart and Kmart - a bookstore and a library ...
but she will NOT confuse a library with Wal-Mart. 

Vicki often says "You have to be able to see outside the lines for this type of assistance"

If for any reason - our office is closed during your time period - we will extend your time frames.

You must use your telephone time within 24 hours AFTER the last email was sent to you.

There are 2 main reasons we do the time frames.

Vicki only works on 2 missing support sessions at any given time.
This allows Vicki to have a better focus on the pets. She is not stretched thin,
focusing on several pets. We have to have your session complete before moving
on to the next person and their pet.

Secondly, it is best to get in there and really spread the energy of our combined search.

With your desire to bring your pet back home and Vicki's psychic energy, it is like shining
a spotlight on the location and/or the person(s) who may have your pet (intentionally or not).
Many times, pet owners will locate their pet after bringing Vicki on for assistance. 
MAYBE ... it IS coincidence that a pet that you have been searching for ...
for 3 days, 2 weeks...a month ... all of a sudden returns after Vicki intervenes. 
Maybe it is coincidence...
and perhaps ... it is the added energy Vicki brings to the search. 


The following information, we believe most people would realize.
Unfortunately, not everyone does.
We want you to know what to expect and what NOT to expect.

1. Realize this is not 24 hour unlimited access to Vicki.

2. Vicki nor the staff comes out to your physical location to help with this search.

3. Once the 1st email is sent out - we will not issue a refund for the reading.

If your pet returns home or the pet is found prior to Vicki's 1st email  
be sure to email us, not phone the office 
to let us know and we will gladly refund the fee.

4. Before purchasing the Missing Support, be certain that you are totally open
to searching in the area(s) that Vicki provides you. 

We are open to your "gut feelings" on where the pet may be. 
Sometimes... your gut instinct is directly inline with Vicki's insight. 

However there may be times when your feelings don't match Vicki's.

If this happens, we simply ask that you place your instincts aside for this time period and focus,
on what Vicki is picking up. We have had the unfortunate situation twice when the pet owner said
"oh no Fido would never go in that area" and the pet was said area and was deceased. 

5. We cannot guarantee the recovery of your pet. 
We can't guarantee recovery of a living pet. 












Below are a number of ways this service can help you to find your pet.
We have to remind you, that each pet and each pet owner is different and the details below may not apply to your individual situation.