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To Phone the office dial  1 - 513 - 202 - 1426
during normal business hours  10 AM to 7 PM Eastern Standard Time
(more on Vicki's hours of operation click here)

Email the Office   Vickiveil@aol.com




DEFINITION of the word...

1 : to make known through divine inspiration
2 : to bring to light  

The Soul Mate REVEAL provides an in depth look at what is often hidden below the external view of the physical body. 
This is the area that embraces the words & actions of our entire being. 
It is the location where our silent fears and vulnerabilities will secretly conceal themselves...
it is our SOUL...our core - our essence - our spirit

Why are certain people frightened of fire, driving fast, commitment or infidelity?
What prompts someone to sabotage their relationships?

Soul Experiences 
And these Soul Experiences may have taken place 2 years ago or 2 life times ago.

Is it possible that the placement of the planets at the time of your birth
regulate what type of mate you require? 
What type of career you are in?

Is there a connection between your name and your greatest attributes? 
And is it possible to turn a negative situation into a positive outcome? 





YOUR REVEAL will include 2 portions

The first part is
a written document sent to you by way of email or U.S. Postal Mail (snail mail). The written report is suitable for printing and we highly recommend you to save the analysis to return for validation and review years down the line! The written portion of the REVEAL ranges in size depending on each persons situations. However everyone is guaranteed a minimum of 2500 words
(which averages out to approximately 5 printed pages of information).

This is a one time charge

if you have any problems using Paypal please contact the office
by email or telephone (513.202.1426)

The second portion is
a gift certificate for a one hour telephone consultation with Psychic Vickiveil. The phone time is provided to you so that you can speak directly with Vicki about the information in your
REVEAL. You may have questions about the information that surfaced, you may have questions that were not addressed - and you may just want to discuss the findings with someone who seems to understand the situation from both your angle and the perspective of you “subject”.


All readings are via telephone conversation.
The readings begin after you have received your charts.  
You must use your telephone time within 30 days of our sending your chart over (by email or snail mail).



This document shares the many fixed personality characteristics, past life experiences, trigger words & events that cause upset
high stress factors - by using astrology & numerology we can find these fixed demeanors of our souls. Often these attributes are hidden...
even to ourselves! By viewing this information, it gives you a better understanding about yourself and your subject. Vicki provides you
with charting for yourself, for your subject and for the two of you as a unit. Vicki will then provide you with a past life reading. Once again she will provide this reading individually (your past life experiences and the experiences of your subject along with a reading on any past lives you shared).

Vicki shares "I think the past life portion is the most amazing portion of the REVEAL.
Not just for the customer but for me!
I am amazed how our lives truly do circle and repeat to some degree. A very high degree in fact!

The next step Vicki uses a deck of non-traditional cards titled "THE OSHO ZEN DECK"
to ask questions for you - and about the relationship. Vicki is not a tarot reader as this deck
is typically not intended to provide readings but rather to provide daily inspiration. However
Vicki has used this particular deck for a second opinion since beginning her readings.
Once again - the cards will look below the surface to provide details and suggestions on how to
repair the relationship - individually and collectively. Vicki documents the findings from the card reading
and will send this to you with the other portion of the REVEAL.

Finally, Vicki will tune into you and your subject, **individually & collectively**, by writing your first names
on paper with pen. This is how Vicki provides ANY of her psychic readings. Vicki will provide any suggestions,
document any details and explanations that surface to assist this relationship in healing & understanding.


**Individually - I take an in depth look at each persons strengths, weaknesses, triggers, likes, dislikes, current & previous life hurdles, life callings, accomplishments, and past life identities. By taking a look at each of you as individuals it points out problem areas. Maybe you are a pacifist ... but your subject is antagonistic. This alerts you that this is a topic you don't want to discuss during certain time periods (and we are able to pinpoint time periods where certain issues and topics probably should not be brought up utilizing the astrology & numerology charts!)

**Collectively - I then provide a written assessment of you in relating to your subject - how the each of you "are" when reacting with one another. This portion of the charting allows you to view the reasons why you may not see eye to eye with your topic. This portion of the chart examines your strong points as a pair, your shared views, your similar traits, and characteristics, your past life encounters - where you shared another life time/life title together, and any intuitive feedback that surfaces as I prepare the collective charts. By viewing the positives and negatives when you are collective - this gives you the advantage to accentuate the positive and hopefully work on the negatives.


This is a one time charge

if you have any problems using Paypal please contact the office
by email or telephone (513.202.1426)


The Soul Mate Reveal dives into my most requested topic and the one privilege that everyone desires and deserves – LOVE. Be it a relationship of sexual nature or a nonphysical (platonic) soul connection the type of relationship found inside family circles and friendships – absolute love is unlimited and unfortunately all too often, unavailable. 

How can something as magical and brilliant as love shared between 2 people, a couple, siblings, parents and their children, best friends ... ever turn … sour? 

The one thing I know for fact is that misunderstandings can shred Soul Mates of many different kinds - apart forever.
Misunderstandings must be the main ingredient in the division of Soul Mates. I have seen this to be true in the lives of my clientele and in my personal life.

Silly things end relationships.
One of my favorite stories from a REVEAL I did for a wonderful couple follows.
This young lady had decided the REVEAL would be a great idea for her situation with her husband. They had been together since high school and now they were in to their early 30's. They had started their family (2 children) and he had done well in his work. (More on his "work" shortly). Now I did not know anything about their background prior to providing the REVEAL.

In the past life portion of their reading I sensed that many different times in his life - he had been "nomadic" to some degree. From living in an Icelandic atmosphere to a lifetime where he had had this essence of Native American Indian - the one common denominator was ... wanderer. Most everything else in their charts seemed super compatible. I couldn't understand the problem. It was during our phone consult where we actually talked about the REVEAL's findings was when I had my light bulb moment. The couple didn't have problems the woman told me - not until they bought their million and a half dollar - dream home! He had always been able to play out that role of nomad from his previous life experiences because 1. he traveled a great deal in his work - and 2.They knew even though they had purchased 2 other homes by this point that "moving" was still ahead for them. But when they locked into that final home it coincided with him taking a job where the travel would be minor (he did this cause the kids were getting older) between the two changes going on that would take those "nomadic" type experiences out of his life - it had ignited upset in his "soul". . . and it caused conflict with the near perfect relationship!

The "soul loution"? She actually let the hubby read the REVEAL. He was a skeptic but apparently did carry an open mind. Because I just spoke to her about a year ago and she said once they were able to talk about the option that travel was not a thing of the past, and once she told him this dream home didn't mean they couldn't change their location down the line --- "things just started to go back to normal" were her words exactly.




This is a one time charge

if you have any problems using Paypal please contact the office
by email or telephone (513.202.1426)





Did you know that 
Lovers - Parents - Children - Siblings - Friends & Co-Workers 
and even those pesky neighbors...can be your Soul Mate?

It is true. 

And there are several different types of Soul Mates
that will enter your life. 

Vicki helps you to understand the characteristics of the 
Catalyst  *   The Twin Flame  The Mirror Image  The Path Partner 
and they all have roles to play out!

Any of the In Depth Insight Specialty sessions have been created to provide you with the most possible information available using various Metaphysical Sciences in combination. This series has been created for the client who is ready to integrate spiritual growth, intuitive insight, and metaphysical knowledge into the offered topic. The Insight Series is never to replace traditional medicine or mental health guidance. 



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