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Meaning of my dreams







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No appointment needed
12 Noon - 8 PM
eastern standard time

What does YOUR dream truly mean?

A Self Evaluation Quiz Available for Download
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Dream Interpretations


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You may include up to
2 dreams for interpretation


Once we receive your Paypal payment,
we will send you a form letter designed especially
for those ordering the dream interpretation.

It will tell you what we need...and don't need ;)
Sometimes - too much info can "interupt"
my psychic input.


Vicki can also do a dream interpretation
during your phone read or in person session.
Just order the normal session and let Vicki know
when you speak with her, you have a dream
you would like to have interpreted ...

BUT...Vicki suggests the email option because
this way you have everything in print and can
refer back to it down the line.

And remember - you are always more than welcomed
to record your session (by phone or in person) ...
if you do not have the capability to record, Vicki strongly
suggests taking notes! Remember - Vicki sees
past, present & future events...often people think she is
wrong when it is future details...this is why its always best
to jot down notes or record. Just let her know you are
taking notes - she'll add some extra time (no charge)
to your reading - allowing you time to write. Plus, she
will give you some really good tips on how to take great notes
while not losing focus on what she is sensing.

APPOINTMENT NECESSARY for telephone readings !
during normal office hours of 12 NOON EST to 8 PM EST 



A Few Words from Vicki about Dreams  

DREAMS have always amazed me! And one knows when I have 
amazement with a subject, my indepth research normally follows!

I can remember dreams from my childhood,
but forget what I dreamed of last night!

I often there some hidden symbol when I have that dream
where I find my husband driving an ice cream truck,
with the song OH Little Playmate in the background
as he repeatedly drives up and down our street ...
with CARMEN ELECTRA by his side! LOL

I don't think I want to analyze that particular dream but
other recurring & symbolic dreams led me to
dive deeper to investigate the theories of our dreams. 

The one detail that seemed to be true with everyone I talked to
about the meaning of that the symbols used by the many
dream dictionaries out there...
never quite fit each person.

One thing I have learned from doing
psychic work for 25 years is
how to understand and decipher
symbols and signs

Signs and symbols are how those
on the other side...
our spirit guides, deceased loved ones
and Angels MUST communicate with us. 

They have no vocal cords!

God doesn't have this loud, booming voice
to say "HEYYyyYY VickiIIiiiI!!!
The lottery numbers are 5-1-53-22!!!"
Sorry - I wish he did...

But all kidding aside...
I am STILL learning the signs & symbols
I receive when in a reading OR while doing
the dinner dishes...are messages of some sort!!!

Finally, after being psychic my entire life...
and doing reads professionally for 25 years...
that when I am in my "reading mode"
for someone and I see an apple,
9 out of 10 times the person works around education.

For me, when I see the apple
(in a psychic manner)…
I know it relates to education. with the emergence of Apple Products
(computer/technology) ... I have to keep in mind,
if I am seeing an apple while I am in psychic mode...
it could mean there is something going on
in regards to an IPhone, Computer or technology!

And you thought doing psychic work...
was an easy job eh?   ; )


If I am reading for a nurse or someone that works
in and around the health & medical field,
I may see the “red cross” sign or a white lab coat.

Again, I see this in “my minds eye”.
This is how I see things in a
clairvoyant manner.

I know this will shock some – but I do believe in God…
I believe that Jesus is his only begotten son – and I believe
in Mary, Joesph & the saints.

I consider myself to be of the
Christian/Catholic faith.
This has been my religious/spiritual belief
since I was a child.

I can still recall laying in the twin bed
with my "maw maw" reading these little
cards with prayers and bible quotes on them.
(gosh, I SO WISH I had those cards
as a remembrance of her)

I also believe that everything we need …
God has provided us.
Whether it is a suggestion, knowledge or
and perhaps even a cure for cancer.

“WE” just have to find it.

I believe our dreams are yet another form
ethereal communication...

It was probably 1999 to 2000 when I started
to really dive into dreams and their meanings.

Eventually I asked friends, family & clients if I
could interpret a dream for them, and then they
would let me know if the interpretation
made sense to them.

My findings were
(not to pat myself on the back but)
they were pretty darn amazing!

When I shared my interpretation with them,
usually made sense to them! Notice I said
"usually"? Listen - I am not Miss Cleo...I do
not think I am 100% accurate across the board.
And, I believe IF a psychic says they are...
Well ... this is your 1st tuck your purse...

No one is going to be 100% accurate, perfect,
flawless...with ANYTHING! Its totally impossible.

But - I do finally appreciate and applaud the fact,
that I do come in at an 85-90% accuracy rate with
my psychic insight. Even now - 25 years later...
I STILL practice my accuracy. How? With
family & friends. I ask them to let me tell them
something...they should know...that I should not.

Its general info - but significant to them.
I'm not a nosy psychic - I don't try to
dig into anyone's personal life...not even...
my own husband! LOL@myself again ;)

But more on that some other time...
the point is? When I decided I wanted to offer
Dream Interpretations ... for about a year...
I would have friends, family and customers
tell me about one of their recent dreams or
recurring dreams. Then, I would "decode...
decipher ... translate" the dream for them.

9 out of 10 times...what came thru in regards
to their dream, made sense to them. It would
be an issue they were going thru with friends,
family, their work...or it would relate to a
relationship that had been heavy on their mind.

I think dreams have MANY reasons ...
but one of the reasons is because it is
something weighing heavy on our

Problems at work...
problems in a relationship...
perhaps they had been thinking about
a loved one that had passed over and
voila'!!! They had a dream...but, I believe
most of the time - depending on how
the dream played out - it was a visit.

What I found was that some
of the dreams I interpreted were prophetic
for the person having the dream.

Meaning that they were
dreaming of events to come!

Even those folks who thought they
did not have a psychic bone in their body...
do. And because when we are asleep...
we don't have fences/walls up...
we are totally relaxed, open ...
And this is a great time for our
spirit guides, loved ones passed over,
(pets & people) and in my faith...
maybe it is even God's way of saying...
"HEY!!! Sugar! That new boss doesn't
care for you! You're not doing anything
wrong! Its them...not you!?!!"

And in some dreams, I felt,
the dreamer was visiting with
soul mates & deceased loved ones.

And in some of the dreams,
the person was being cautioned about something
to come or something in their life.

Every dream is different … and they all have
their reasons for showing up when you
lay your head down on that pillow.

Its when there is no one there to tell you...
to be scared, apprehensive, reluctant...
to believe in things...we can't scientifically prove.


I believe that some dreams give us a sample
of what our life would be like…if
we take a certain turn on our path.

I had a customer who would call me often
and her topic was always about divorcing her husband.
She always had the general reading but surprised me once
by ordering the dream interpretation because
she was having the same dream ...
several times a month.
(this is what I meant by recurring dream)

In the dreams – she WAS already divorced! 
The purpose of her dreams?
She needed to experience exactly how much
she loved her husband and exactly
how sad she would feel…if he were
indeed, no longer her husband.

They are still together and its
18 years later!!!

Those dreams saved her marriage.

When I approach a dream interpretation,
there are certain things I look for.

I can’t share them with you in case
you decide to order the interpretation.
I want you to provide the answers to my questions
not knowing beforehand
what I will need to tune into.

This is actually very important.

I want to hear your voice tone as you
explain portions of the dream to me.
I want you to not over-think the explanation
of the dream. Are there certain details I
look and listen for when you tell me
about your dream you want interpreted?

Even in the email dream interpretation...
I'll get a sense of your voice tonality.
I'll get a sense of your excitement...
and your lack of excitement....
this is part of being naturally intuitive.

Going back to dream dictionaries
that are out there. And there are
a zillion of them! Trust me - thru the years...
I bought a trillion of them! LOL again ; )

The only bad thing with those books?
They are NOT personalized...
What the symbolic vision of an apple
means to NOT going to be the
same for MY NEIGHBOR!!!

This is why you just neeeedddd this
dream interpretation! LOL I'm teasing again.
But - I will admit - they are pretty darn interesting.
I still enjoy doing a dream interpret ...
2 decades later!  : )

Each person is wired so differently,
there is no way
if I were to say to 10 people...
“tell me what comes to mind as soon
as I say apple?!”
no way is everyone one of those people..
going to say the exact same thing.

Remember the Rorschach Test?
It’s the test where you view an ink blot
and tell what you see within the blot.

What is within that ink blot – is going to be
different for most every person viewing it.

I believe this same approach/analogy
is true for dreams.

Thru the years each dream interpretation
I have as different as the
person I am working with.

Sometimes the dream is a visit
for you to spend time with a soulmate.
BTW... I don’t believe we have only 1 soulmate.
I believe any person/soul that we have
experienced a past life with … is a soul-mate.

I’ve had many dream interpretations where the client
is spending time with a deceased relative or friend.

Perhaps your dream is one like my long time client
who had to experience life without her husband
to acknowledge that she did still love him!

I wish you could have heard her share the story
of that dream. She was terribly sad! She could not believe
how sad she was when she had moved on without him.

She had been unhappy with her husband for
well over a year. I could not tell her I saw her single...
I didn't! But even I did not realize
she would experience this dream to make her
truly feel the emotions she would have...
without him. Man oh man! I still get chills
when I tell this story! BUT its chills in a
great way! LOL again ; )

And guess what?
They have lived happily ever after : )
They are going into 41 years of marriage soon!
That dream made her realize how much
she really did still love him. And this maybe
TMI...but it really re-ignited their love life!
LOL yet again ; )

Possibly – your dream is prophetic …
assisting you with information
that lies ahead in your life. are having a dream
of your future so that you are
prepared on how to properly handle
a situation ... when without the dream...
you may have made a split second decision
and that would not have been the best way
to handle the matter?

I've seen it happen.
Heck! I have had it happen
to me! And I'm not joking.

I have had a rocky relationship with
my biological sister...I've tried to patch it
up several times and it just doesn't work out.
In a dream, I had another psychic
(a real one) that took me under her wing
back in the beginning of my work.
Esther Shelton. A beautiful 84 year old woman.
She too worshipped God and she became a
fast friend at my first psychic fair.

My sister and I had reunited once again after
a long break-up. I was elated! I assured myself
we would NEVER ever split again....but in my
dreamstate - Esther came to me. She told me
that blood does not always make a sisterhood.
That I already had 2 sisters...Jill & Tina.

I didn't know why she told me this at that time.
But, only a few short days later - once again -
my sister and I parted ways. : ( And as I sat
on my couch - sad ... I remembered my "visit"
with ESTHER!!! She had also told me...
"honey, you already have sisters" and darn it!

There really is wisdom with age ; )
I miss Esther.

And then, there is yet another reason for dreams...
where this doesn’t happen often … your dream could be
visions to simply allow your tired mind
the opportunity to relax from a busy day
…kind of like a screen saver on your computer.

Just something to look at while you are "away"

I also believe some dreams are a form of astral travel.
An out of body experience.

One thing I know for sure – to me, I think dreams are nothing less
than astounding, no matter what the meaning.

Its yet another part of life…another part of the
human mind that I find to be a miracle.

I mean...REALLY?
How is it that we dream?!?!
Does ANYONE ELSE see the miracle in them?

Why is it that people struggle with the
thought that miracles do happen?

How is it that folks don’t see childbirth,
or how the moon is just far enough away
that it won’t freeze the entire earth…and the sun
is just far enough away that
it won’t burn us to embers?

Are these things not miraculous to you?
Because - I have always noticed the miracle
in these things since I can remember!

Heck – I think the way a bird can sail
thru the sky is miraculous!

Miracles…well…I believe in them

But then…that is yet another
"lengthy story" is for another time

Come back soon!

And listen, let me know what
YOU think about dreams!

I’d love to hear your thoughts & theories.
Drop us a line at
The word Dreams will appear in the
subject box...or, at least, it should.
Since I tried to update this part
of my website ... if this loads properly
and the dreams word shows up in
the subject box...heck - thats a
miracle in itself! LOL@myself again ;)

Hugs from Vicki