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The Dogs and the Cat!!

"Did you ever walk in a room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives." --Sue Murphy

Onyx, Pumba, Sassy, Chester, Diamond, Draco, Serpantine, Geicko and some guppies are the animals that live at the Simman Farm. And you can check them all out here!

Just click on the pictures or links below to start crusin' the Simman Farm.

The Dogs

Check out our own snow dogs: Snow Dogs!

Onyx the Newf

Click on Onxy to go to his page.

Prince Pumba the Great Newf

Click on Pumba to go to his page:

Onyx and Pumba the best of buds

The Cat


Curious what it's like to raise two growing Newfoundlands? Well click here to find out.

NEW! as of October 15, 2002
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Last updated: February 17, 2003