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Hi I'm Sassy and welcome to my page. This is my favorite spot in the house, the stairs. I can see the whole house from here and the dogs can't get me here.
Well I came to Michigan with my owner Rebecca and we were fine with her, Phill and their roommate loren living in the house together. Then Loren moved out and Phill and Rebecca got a puppy. The puppy was hard to get used to at first, he was so hyper. But I soon realized I was still the Queen of the house. Then they got another dog! He was a lot bigger and more nosier than the puppy.
Four months later and I am again Queen of the house. Rebecca comes running when my food bowl is empty or when my litter box needs cleaning. I even have Phill trained to some extent. Although since I've been working on Rebecca for 11 years she is much better trained.
Well enough of my story, check out my pictures and my video below.

Here I am in my room. Rebecca hangs out here a lot.

Upclose pictures of my face. Rebecca loves taking pictures of me. But do you blame her?

Me with my favorite pillow and in my favorite sleeping position.

My favorite window spot while Rebecca works on my web page.

My public loves me.

I love to chase snowflakes

Adobe Photoshop is the best book.

See my little video

I'm tired now. Until next time.

Click here to see even more pictures of Sassy and some other pets.

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Last updated: January 25, 2003