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Price Pumba The Great Newf

Click on any of the pictures below to see it larger.

Big Woods - Pumba's breeders webpage.

Sire: Mickey Bear Savannah

Pumba looks a lot like Mickey Bear in these pictures. Click on either picture to get a bigger view.

Dam: Starfires Princess Pandora

This is Pumba's mom. She's a big pretty girl.



This is Sadie one of Pumba's littermates. She is living in New Jersey and isa registered therapy dog. She passed her therapy test with no deductions. This picture is one of her with the residents at the nursing home where they do therapy. Soon they will be starting at a childrens ward in a local hospital.
Pumba looks a whole lot like Sadie except for his haircut. When we first got him the other owners had cut him short almost all over because of the heat of the summer. Now his coat is growing in nicely, but boy is it a lot of work!


No Picture available at the moment
Jack is living in Tennessee and became a daddy not too long ago.

All these pictures are curtiousy of Shelia Bell of Big Woods. Thanks Shelia!

Now for some pictures of Pumba

Is this my new home?

Is this tile from the 70's?

Is this really necessary?

"A picture say's a thousand words."

What newfie page would be complete without a picture of newfie drool?
Pumba Pumba Pumba

Click on Pumba's picture to see more photos of him.

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Last updated: January 9, 2003