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Snow in MI 12/02/02

Monday morning we woke up to this. Glad I didn't have to work. The pictures were taken at about 3:30pm. Notice how dark it is?

The red truck enjoying it's first big winter. It's from Tennessee (like me) and it does not snow like this in Tennessee.

This is the front porch, after the snow plow guy came and cleared it at about noon.

The curve. Every year someone slides into that ditch. I almost hit a school bus b/c I applied too much brake in my Wrangler, and even in 4WD it slides.

A pic of the house after the driveway was plowed, that snow just kept coming down.

The road in our neighborhood with snow on it.

The front yard (part of it) after the dogs played in it. You can barely see our annoying neighbors house.

A halloween pumpkin. Think we should throw it away?

And the next Day

Onxy running in the snow.

Pumba sniffs the snow.

Onyx sniffs the snow.

Onyx sits on command (sometimes).

Pumba sits and watches me take his picture.

Unable to contain his delight at being photographed, Pumba jumps on me.

Differen snow pictures

Pumba at his worst

Onyx looking more Lab than Newf in this Pic.

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Last Updated: January 9, 2003