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Ever wonder what it's like to raise two newfs?

Diary of a Newf owner:

Monday, October 14, 2002

On Saturday night (October 12, 2002) we came home to a horrible mess. Pumba had managed to get out of his kennel and he got bored because he chewed 3 starter logs to pieces and peed on the floor. Even though every toy they own is on the living room floor he still had to chew these nice tasty and probably deadly starter logs.
Onyx was very happy to see us when we arrived to the mess and as soon as we let him out of his kennel he tried to chew on the started logs too. I guess he was mad because Pumba was chewing on something he couldn't get too. So he earned himself a loud "No" and a night in his kennel.
Pumba seems to be fine now. He threw up a lot that night which was probably a good thing, he could get most of the gas out of his system.
I was very mad that night and got even angrier when I could find no where on the packaging if the log was harmful or fatal to humans or pets. Didn't they think that a dog or a child might try to chew on the block?!

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

I finally got an e-mail back from the starter log company. They said it was not harmful to dogs, but that it did have molasses and that was probably why the dog went after it. Well I know why he went after it, he was bored and all of his chew toys where boring.
Tonight Phill and I were watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (one of my favorite shows other than The Simpsons) when Phill decided it would be fun to have the dogs climb over the couch and onto our laps. So he called them over.
Well Pumba jumped over like he was stepping over a crack in a sidewalk (piece of cake), but poor scrawny 70 pound Onyx couldn't climb over. I had to pull while he flung his back legs against the couch. (Our couch is from the 70's, literally we inherited it with the house, it's very short and very uncomfortable. The back is only about 3 feet high, if even that.) Well Onyx finally got over the couch and decided Phill looked good enough to chew on, so he did. Then Pumba joined in and started to chew on Onyx. Well in the end Onyx got in trouble (poor guy) because he started to get mad at Phill and started to growl and try to seriously bite him. So he got sent to his room for the rest of Buffy and some of Haunted. He got parole around 10:30 pm or so.
Before all this happened though I was trying to get Pumba and Onyx to come over and play with me and not play with Phill so I got down on all fours and started to pound the floor. That got Pumba's attention quick and he ran over to me, but instead of playing with me like I was expecting he grabbed my leg and tried humping me. I've had this problem before with him but I thought we had cleared things up. So I jumped out from his grasp, receiving a nice cut down my leg and proceeded to ignore him. That really gets his attention when you don't pay attention to him. He is fixed; he just has a bad habit of doing that to Onyx and trying to do that to me. It's a sign of dominance and I will have no part of it because I am the alpha dog of the pack. But unlike the canine alpha dog I don't bite or attack him when he tries that. I just take away what is most precious to him, my attention and it works like a charm. I definitely suggest doing this with your dogs if you’re having problems.

Ocotober 17, 2002

Everyday I'm learning something new, now that I have the Two Monsters, as I lovingly call them, I'm learning something plus one every day.
What I learned today:

October 18, 2002
Onyx and Pumba like dried chicken feet. Gross huh? Onyx is such a pig and has to know if I'm giving food to Pumba and not him. Pumba had finished his chicken foot and was eyeing Onyx's so I started to crawl on my hands and knees and look for something under the couch to distract him. Well Onyx thought I was giving Pumba something good because he dropped his chicken foot and ran over to us. Pumba, of course, too Onyx's discarded foot and started to eat it.
Onyx is like the greedy dog in the old fairy tale: A dog had a big hunk of meet and he was so possesive of it that he took it with him out of the city so no ther dogs could have it. He stopped on a bridge and glanced into the water, there he saw his own reflectiong, but he thought it was another dog with a big piece of meat, so he lunged for the other dog and meat, hoping he'd have 2 pieces...instead he drops his big piece into the water and had none.
Just like Onyx, he always misses out on the good stuff because he's being so greedy.

Wed. November 27, 2002

Pumba has a bad ear infection. The poor guy has had a horrible smell to him for 2 weeks, when I took him to work to wash him I found out he had ear problems not BO. When I cleaned his ear out it made a wierd sloshing noise and a little blood came out on the cloth. He was also very sensative to Onyx touching it. He would cry loudly if he and Onyx were playing and it would get grabbed by mistake. Onyx would jump back and look like he'd done something wrong.
I was ready to give both dogs up last week. Phill was gone for 3 days and I had to work most of the time. Well one day (the first day Phill was gone) I had to work 8 hours and when I got home some people from work wanted to go out to eat. So I thought 'what the heck', I let the dogs out to use the bathroom then I gave them their dinner and left for about 2 hours. When I got back I knew something was wrong, they didn't whine like they usually do when someone gets home plus there was a horrible smell. They had both pooped in their cages. Onyx had at least had the decency not to walk in his, but Pumba had stepped all in his and smushed and flung it all over. I was mad. I had never been that mad in all my life. I would have understood if I had not let them out or something, but I had let them out right before I left.
So I grabbed both of them and drug them into a bathroom so they wouldn't track poop every where. Of course I was yelling the whole time (I couldn't help it like I said I was really mad). Well then while I was cleaning it up I started to calm down. So I let them out of the bathroom b/c I was afraid they'd chew on something in there. I had everything cleaned up, when I smelled more...turns out my darling Onyx had pooped in the Kitchen while I was cleaning everything.
The moral: never leave the dogs alone unless they are outside.

Tuesday January 21, 2003

I took Onyx and Pumba to get a bath yesterday. It took me an hour to wash them and dry them some. Needless to say I was tired after I got done with them and the other dogs that came into the groom shop. I conditioned them twice, because lately when Onyx sits down and gets up really quick there is this loud poping noise and his hair sticks up on end.

After work I let Onyx up on the bed with me because I was going to take a nap. I did everything BUT take a nap. He kept trying to lay on the pillows and even a clean dog on your pillows is not very nice, so I would pull him off them and he thought I was playing. So he'd try to bite on and so forth we got into a wrestling match and finally I shooed him and Pumba into their kennels and took a nap without him.

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