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Argue With Collier<>/td>

Porn Sucks

Yes my faithful readers, porn sucks. I'll let the conversation do the talking since, after all, that's what people do when they converse. They talk in some way. That made way too much sense. Yeah, I've been banned from talking now for the next 30 minutes for being too intelligent.

Porn Sucks

Bulletproof Monk Is Going To Rule

I don't know about you guys, but every time I see the trailer for Bulletproof Monk I get a hard on. This movie is going to fucking kick ass! What can be cooler than a monk and a punk flying around defying the laws of physics kicking ass? I mean that one part in the trailer when the monk dude swings from the helicopter and goes under it and comes back in the other side looks awesome. And that one part when he jumps over a car and goes like 30 feet in the air. He says that if you truly believe that it exists then it doesn't. So does that mean that if I truly don't believe that Oprah Winfrey exists she doesn't? That would fucking rock! There's so many things that I would love to not exist anymore. Like for example, I could deal without my engineering class existing anymore. Hell, it's just a bunch of busy work. Well I'm off to focus on truly believing that things don't exist. In fact, I might even be working on you so don't bug me and go die. Bulletproof Monk is going to kick ass!

Check out Bulletproof Monk

Protestors Can Kiss My Ass

There is a big, oval-shaped field in the middle of my college campus that is ironically named "The Oval." Well I'm sure most of us know that the U.S. is at war right now with Iraq. If, by some odd chance, you didn't know that then go jump off of a cliff. Anyway, there are a bunch of tree-huggers camping out on The Oval in protest of the war in Iraq. What the hell are you trying to prove? What was your train of thought that made camping out like a bunch of douchebags seem like a good idea for a protest. Do you think if the soldiers find out what you are doing they will just come home and stop fighting? "Well, those cool kids at OSU are camping out on The Oval. We better go home now boys." Think about that for a minute. Okay, stop thinking now before you hurt yourself. That makes less sense than this entire website! Pack up your pup tents and go home and take a shower. The stench radiating from your tents is horrendous and I don't think I will make it out alive if I have to walk past you again. Do a favor to humanity and quit. Go home and pour yourself a large, thirst-quenching glass of Shut The Fuck Up. You bitching about the war is doing as much good as me bitching about you. That's right, none at all. "I have the right to protest though," is a common response I get when I hear these people complain about the war. You also have the right to get the hell out of the country if you don't like the way it's being run. No one is keeping you here and I sure as shit don't care if you leave or not so instead of bitching then take some action and leave if the U.S. is so bad.

Shut Up     STFU