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Argue With Collier<>/td>

People Suck

Holy shit I hate people! People, in general, are fucking retarded. Some people should just go die right now. Quit wasting air for valuable humans you bastards. As an example, I went to a car show this weekend where there were a bunch of fucking hillbillies acting like the rednecks that they are. I went to the show with some friends of mine. One of those friends is a good looking girl, who I will refer to as Sue. Everytime we walked past a pack of hungry hicks they would give the typical "Show us your titties!" mating call. Now fucknuts, if she wanted you to see her breasts do you think Sue would be walking around with a shirt on to begin with? If you had any fucking brain at all you would realize that any self-respecting girl isn't going to flash you just because you promise to give her a bead necklace. What kind of stupid reward is that anyway? Show us your breasts and we'll give you a tacky beaded necklace that cost about a nickel. Now I know that I am the forerunner of the Girls Are Dumb Campaign, but even I know how to act halfway civil around girls, and people in general for that matter. Then, later that night at our hotel, some jerkoff thought I had a problem with him. I stayed with Sue for the night in a hotel room that her and I shared. I don't know why he would be pissed at me, but apparently he had a problem, or "beef" as he put it, with me. I decided to go to bed. This fuckstick came down to my room to get the key to give to Sue so she could get in later. About 5 minutes later I am startled by someone beating on my door. I answer and here is fuckstick again yelling and hollering about stupid shit. I ignored him for fear of brain damage. I went back to bed. The next day he completely ignored me and gave me some sort of dirty look, as if I gave 2 shits. Now of course I left out some minor details of this situation for the sole purpose of laziness so if you know about the situation I referred to don't IM me like "Hey dumbass you forgot about the part when blah blah blah." Holy shit people fucking suck. On another note, when did cheat codes become an acceptable way to beat a video game? Lately I've gotten addicted to Tony Hawk 3, among other things, for XBox. Yes, I know that XBox sucks a big one, but that is another story for another time. Anyway, I usually play TH3 with a couple of my roommates who I will refer to as Harry and Jeff. Harry is a pretty cool kid and I have no problems with him. Jeff, on the other hand, must not understand the "ethics," if you will, of video games. We're in the process of beating the whole game. To beat the game completely, you have to beat the game with each character. Now as you beat the game with more characters cool stuff gets unlocked like new levels, secret characters, and cheats. Jeff turns on these cheats and plays the game with them. That is, in my opinion, fucking retarded. Any jackass can beat the game with all the cheats on. Hell, I could do it with my eyes closed if I had the cheats on. Holy shit people are retards. As yet another example, people that are dirty should die. Who the hell goes 15 days without a shower? Anyway, there is another mindless fool down the hall from me. I will call him Smelly for this purpose. Smelly is just that. He smells. The stench that radiates from him is absolutely horrifying. It has been knows to clear rooms recently. The fact that he weighs about 340 pounds, which is not an exaggeration, doesn't help the matter. He sits around all day and stinks up his room. He has a cover overhanging the opening to his bunk. Thankfully it keeps the smell of his disgusting bed contained for the most part. However, every morning when the kid wakes up he has to pull the cover away and the smell wafts out into the air. Normally you can smell how long it has been since he showered last. When the stench begins to attract flies and other random insects then it's been at least 5 days. Who the hell likes to go 5 days without a shower? Holy shit I hate people!

Serve Me

I'm really lazy. The other day I told my roommate to get me a pop out of the fridge. He denied me. So I told him again and he actually got up and did it. What a dipshit! Today I was recalling the experience and I realized that I need a servant, or a slave, if you will.

Become My Bitch

Stop Sucking At Life

Did you fail your test? Do you have horrible luck? Do you have no friends? Are you "unpopular?" If you answered "yes" to any of those questions then you officially suck at life. You should quit life and stop wasting our air. I mean, honestly, it's pretty selfish to use all that air if you suck that bad. Stop sucking at life now before I hunt you down and make you quit.

Welcome to ASSHAT ONLINE. I'm your resident asshat. My name is Kyle and if you stay here or become a frequent visitor two things will happen. First, you will hear a lot from me about my views on different aspects of my life and the lives of my friends and people I come in contact with. Second, and most importantly, you will waste countless hours doing the first thing. With that said, enjoy your stay on AO. If you don't enjoy it, then feel free to catch a bus to the nearest hardware store. While you're there pick up some rope and hang yourself from a tree. You suck at life
I guess if you really want to talk to me you can. There's some links at the bottom to contact me on AOL Instant Messenger. If you don't have AIM and you want to talk to me then it looks like you're just shit out of luck and it sucks to be you. I will let you know that talking to me will most likely lower your IQ. Also, we will probably get into some sort of stupid argument and I will win because I always win at arguments. See, arguing isn't just something to do to pass the time, but it's an artform. I, myself, am quite an arguer. If you're up for the challenge then go ahead and pick a fight with me about some stupid and inane facet of life. I don't care what the topic is. If, by some grace of God, you win an argument with me then I will hunt you down and crown you my bitch right before I punch you in the face. Basically put, I'm already an asshat, along with most of my close friends, so feel free to attempt to join the ranks.
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