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Welcome to Elaine's Greenland Homepage!

The latest website full of information on Elaine's trip to Greenland July 23-28.

Yummy Yummy! What a spot to go camping!

So, what's the weather like there right now?

Click on that link to find out more weather information and even the forecast
(sure makes you glad you're at home, doesn't it?)

Summit now has it's own website, complete with live webcam. Go take a look!

Pictures are always coming. There's even a new page solely devoted to my trip photos. So, come back often. Check the little box at the top of the home page that lets you know when I update my page, then you'll be all set.

Here is a photo taken from the magnetometer site after we had finished the repairs. I propped the camera on a box on the back of the snowmobile, then ran to get in the shot before the timer went off. I'm the goofy looking one in the middle.

Here's another picture of Vijay and me down in our hole with the actual rescued magnetometer, where I'm the one on the right! The hole we dug was about eleven feet deep, and big enough to lift an 8'x5' sheet of plywood off the floor to access the magnetometer. Additionally, we had to dig several 'ramps' in order to access the hole, toss the snow into, then toss it out again. All in all, an estimated 650 cubic feet of snow were removed. That's one awfully long driveway!

For more Greenland Pictures, I've added another website.

What might you expect of a Greenland trip before you go?
Visit the link page
What's a trip to Greenland Like?

Our three-member team made it back safe and sound (with all toes and finger intact), so Praise God!
Thanks for your prayers!