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These rules are made to keep IXWF under control. They are to be kept by both visitors and members of the IXWF. Any IXWF members who break these rules will be dealt with. In most cases, this is with an official warning first and if the rule breaking continues, expulsion from the IXWF.

1. Do not use other people's characters in your RPs unless you have their permission. Any scenes where another person's character is used without permission will be discounted. Announcers and Interviewers can be used, but please keep them unbiased.

2. Don't use blasphemy or racism in the IXWF. This includes both roleplays and OOC messages. Blasphemy such as "God D@mn", whether censored or uncensored, should not be used out of respect to religious members. As for racism, I don't mind minor things like mocking a British wreslter's accent, or insulting Canada when you're facing a Canadian. But racial discrimination and racial terms such as "niger" are not to be used under any circumstances. Any such instances may resulting in you being fired immediately, and I will not have racist people in the IXWF.

3. This rule isn't one that will get you fired, but ignoring it will cause your roleplay to lose credit). Don't use the term "roleplay" in your roleplay. Remember, you are in character in a roleplay, and your opponent has cut a "promo", not written a roleplay.

4. Try to limit how much you swear in your roleplays. You are not banned from swearing, but try to moderate how much you swear and/or bleep out swearing. Roleplays are judged on quality as well as quantity, and constant swearing may cause your RP to lose credit.

5. Please try to Roleplay for all of your matches, and if you can't roleplay please explain to me why. Continuous not roleplaying will result in you being put in a Fight or Flight match. If you don't roleplay for one of these matches, you will be fired.

6. Don't complain if you lose a match. By complaining you are not only being a sore loser, but you are also insulting by ability to judge roleplays. If you lose a match and you're not happy about it, get over it and work harder in your next match. Remember that if you are a champion and you lose your belt, you always have the right to a rematch.

7. Please keep OOC messages on the OOC Board, and Roleplays on the Roleplay Board. You may put a small OOC at the end of your roleplay, but I don't want to see any messages that are purely OOC on the Roleplay Board.

8. Please don't harass (insult, complain, curse at, argue with) any members of the IXWF, including staff.

9. In IXWF, there is a 3 character limit. If you wish to have a fourth character, then if you ask me I will probably allow it, providing one character is a manager rather than an active wrestler. In special cirumstances, I may allow a fourth "Manager" character.

10. This is also not a rule that will get you fired, but will cause your roleplays to lose credit and will possibly result in match loss. Please make sure you spell-check and proof-read your roleplays to make sure the spelling and grammar is correct. Roleplays are not judged solely on quantity, and if you write a long roleplay that's full of spelling, grammatical and other language errors then you are less likely to win than if you post a shorter roleplay containing good use of the English language. I understand that people make the odd typo, but reading mistake after mistake after mistake can get very annoying. Remember: Quality and Quantity are taken into consideration.

11. This is probably the most important rule of all - have fun. At the end of the day, e-fedding is a hobby, so make sure that you enjoy yourselves. There is no point in being in an e-fed if all it does in make you miserable.

Copyright IXWF 2005 - All rights reserved.

This layout is property of Ben Lyons. Please do not steal it. If you wish to use it, e-mail me and ask first. Thank you.