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Match #1

The match started with Trish hitting Sunny with the Stratusfaction, then pinning her and eliminating her. The match was then a three way brawl, when Torrie knocked Steph down and hit Trish with the Heaven on Earth. She then pinned her, and the champion was eliminated. Steph got onto her feet, and Torrie went to hit her with a Heaven on Earth, but Steph countered and hit the Flair Factor! She covered - 1...2...3!

(Great RPs, and in the end picking the winner was very hard... but after careful consideration I went with Shev.)

Match #2

Benoit and Hogan were both fired.

(No RPs.)

Match #3

Sting locked Batista in the Scorpion Deathlock, but The Animal got to the ropes. He then got to his feet and hit Stinger with the Batista Bomb! 1...2...3!

(Ashlee had the better RP.)

Match #4

Bischoff went for a Karate Kick, but Orton ducked and hit the RKO! He climbed out of the cage and retained the Intercontinental Title. He celebrated at the top of the ramp as Exodus went off air.

(Orton's RP was better.)

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