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Entrants into the Hall of Fame or chosen by having done something great for the Immortal Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Each member of the Hall of Fame will forever be immortalized. Thank you to all who have served the IXWF throughout the times, but for those of you who stood out, we salute you especially!

Hall of Famer #1
Handler: Shev Lyons
Character(s): Triple H; Ric Flair; David Flair; Stephanie McMahon
Reason: As my sister, not only has Shev helped many a time with the IXWF, but she has always been a great roleplayer. In the early stages of IXWF she had a memorable feud with fellow hall of famer Tony Ikeda, and the two exchanged the World Title many a time. She is a determined, hard worker, and earned the respect and made friendships with many other IXWF members. I'm sure anyone that has seen Shev's work will agree that she has not just been put here because she's part of my family.

Hall of Famer #2
Handler: Tony Ikeda
Character(s): Stone Cold Steve Austin; The Undertaker; Debra;
Reason: As Stone Cold Steve Austin, Tony was the first ever IXWF World Heavyweight Champion, and has won that belt on a couple of occassions. He always works hard on his roleplays... unless he's busy, in which cases he has unbelievable luck with the Ikeda one liners :P With his girlfriend Ashlee, he formed CCD (Chaotic Carnage and Destruction) - the longest running and most dominant stable in IXWF history. On top of all this, Tony is a great guy. When IXWF was in trouble, I allowed him to help out as VP and run Smackdown. Then when I had to leave, he took charge and kept the fed going despite being busy with he and Ashlee's own e-fed, The EBWF. I consider Tony to be a good friend, and will forever be grateful for his dedication to the IXWF.

Hall of Famer #3
Handler: Ashlee Ikeda
Character(s): The Rock; Chyna; Midajah;
Reason: Ashlee Ikeda was another one of the leading members in the IXWF whom remained from start to finish. A good roleplayer, she made it to the final of the tournament to decide the first IXWF World Champion and won both the King and Queen of the ring tournaments in 2003 with The Rock and Midajah. She also helped Tony run the fed in my absence, taking on the role of Vice President. Ashlee is a lovely person, and has most definitely earned her way into the Hall of Fame.

Hall of Famer #4
Handler: Brandon "Smitty" Smith
Character(s): HBK Shawn Michaels
Reason: Brandon has been one of the most loyal roleplayers the IXWF has ever seen. As Shawn Michaels, he is a two time Grand Slam Champion and is the only person to have captured every championship ever brought into the IXWF (including many now defunct titles). He is also the only the only person to have ever held the World Title with more than one character, capturing the belt in his brief handling of Rob Van Dam. Brandon is a great guy and a close friend of mine, who is tremendous both as a roleplayer and out of character. He has been in every e-fed I've ever ran, and continues to get better and better with his roleplays.

Hall of Famer #5
Handler: Donno
Character(s): Rob Van Dam
Reason: The reason Donno has been chosen is because without him, the IXWF may not have been what it is today. Whilst unfortunately I am no longer in contact with him, in the early days of the IXWF he was one of the fed's most impressive roleplayers. He brought out the best in his opponents, as it required a lot of hard work to defeat him, and brought many of IXWF's less able members up to scratch. Donno fully deserves his place in the IXWF Hall of Fame, and he is always welcome back here should he happen to get in touch with me again.

Copyright IXWF 2005 - All rights reserved.

This layout is property of Ben Lyons. Please do not steal it. If you wish to use it, e-mail me and ask first. Thank you.