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Dedicated to Clay Johnson, founder of
Ask Us Anything!

I made a template that makes it fast and simple for me to create an online version of your Ask Me Anything questions and answers.  Take a look at these.  If yours is not here and you would like one, please copy the entire text into email or ceremail and label it as a site submission.  These examples were choosen at random and are not meant to be a slight to those not yet included.

(31 done so far)

AmyLeigh     braino | brigit      charlesc | cjoh | cyndy10       darklao | Dilbert      EverydayAngel

febe      gwen    hedges | hismel      Ishtar      jakimbro | Jaydogg       Kileana      LANA9 | Lawboy

maxhdrm7 | Meadow      obi-wan       Pickle | P.James | prosaic1      Seedy69       Tehuti | thespud

vicnice       whatevillurks | WhyKnot

I was WAY WAY too tired while I did these last 4 and made mistakes, I have to redo them:
(redo: prncss, Rocktman, solana, Swords)

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