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Ask whatevillurks Anything!
WEL has been a member since June 14th,2000.
# Asked: 355 -- # Answered: 1989
Average: 0.22 -- Average: 4.16
Rank: 115 -- Rank: 48

Ask me anything, i will answer as best i can.  I am Whatevillurks.

heyteach on 7.9.00 3:35 PM - OK, first is a freebie: who are you?
Second, what accomplishment in your life are you proudest of to date?

My proudest achievement, well....
damnit you know how to ask hard questions.
I dont even really HAVE any achievements I can think of.
The only thing I can think of is that I achieved 97% On a school test about human reproduction last year. BOY was I paying attention! =0)

hippie on 7.9.00 3:51 PM - Got your future planned yet?

nope, i have some VAGUE plans for the future. I am going to stay on at school until I am 18, maybe go to university and get a degree in engineering or something similar. I want to write a book sometime in my life (fiction, maybe horror) and basically want to stay friends with everybody I know and make lots of money.

prncss on 7.9.00 4:13 PM - Is that your Dickens question? Why aren't you doing your homework?!? :)

Yes it is my dickens question, and i'm not doing it because I CANT!

solana on 7.9.00 6:55 PM - Tell us where you are from, and a bit about the place?

I am from a small town In england called Buckingham (Yes, like the palace) It has a pop. of around 10,000 people, mostly losers.  There isnt a lot to do, no real entertainment, there are a few shops here and most of my friends live 15 Miles away =0(

It is an OK place to live, but I'm sure there is better.

ortega on 7.9.00 8:19 PM - Why would you like us to ask you anything? Also, what is your favorite food?

nah, I dont really want to ask you anything, , Oh, actually, does anybody have any tips for picking up chickS? =0)  My favourite food is pizza. without a doubt.

moni on 7.11.00 3:15 AM - How many people live in the United States of America?

around 250 million?

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