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Synopsis of VALERIE'S SONG

I am pleased to present two scenes from VALERIE'S SONG.

Chapter Seven, Scene One
Chapter Fifteen, Scenes One and Two


Overlooking the rugged, mystical coast of post-Roman Cornwall, the ancient fortress of Tawelloch guards against marauders and pirates that threaten the land and its people. Here Valerie is forced to be nursemaid to her uncle Julian's two younger children. Treated as a poor relation, she finds happiness in her musical talent and in the company of her cousin Lowenna.

Branius, King of Calamere, fights beside Arthur in the struggle to save Britain from the invading Angles and Saxons. Fearing their king will die a premature death on the battlefield, the people of Calamere demand he marry and begat an heir. Branius pledges himself to Lowenna. Her large dowry, her reputed beauty, and her family connections make her suitable to be his queen, sight unseen. Since Branius's capacity for love died with his first wife, he only hopes to fulfill his duty to his kingdom.

On his way to Lowenna's home, Branius aids a young woman. Feelings he had thought buried with his first wife surge to life. After a brief conversation with her, he believes she is none other than Lowenna. His impending marriage is no longer an act of duty, but is now the desire of his heart. But when Lord Julian presents the true Lowenna to Branius, Branius realizes the enchantress who stole his heart was Lowenna's cousin, Valerie.

Valerie is horrified to learn the man who was so kind to her is Lowenna's betrothed. As Branius courts Lowenna, Valerie fights her feelings for Branius as he does. Valerie decides she must look elsewhere and tries to salve her disappointment by responding to the attentions of Maelgwn of Gwynedd.

Honor will not allow Branius to break his betrothal. He endeavors to distance himself from Valerie but fails when his jealousy and protectiveness of Valerie make him unable to tolerate Maelgwn's attempt to seduce her.

Branius sabotages Valerie's plans to run away with Maelgwn. She confronts Branius about his interference. Unable to justify himself, he loses control and kisses her. Their mutual passion and inability to control their feelings make it necessary for Branius to leave Tawelloch and never see her again.

After Valerie's aunt, uncle, Lowenna, and the two children leave Tawelloch to go to Lowenna's wedding, Tawelloch is raided by the notorious Saxon pirate Edgar. Valerie is abducted along with her maid, and several other prisoners. When Edgar presses his attentions on Valerie, she steadfastly rejects him. He promises Valerie he would never force her to come to him, but he also makes it clear to her that he would withdraw his protection and leave her to be used by his men if she continues to reject him. As a demonstration, he offers Valerie's maid to his men. Valerie becomes his woman to survive.

Branius learns Valerie was abducted in the raid on Tawelloch. When her family makes no effort to rescue Valerie, Branius realizes he is the only one who has the means and the desire to do it. He tells Lowenna his true feelings for Valerie and persuades her to release him from their betrothal. Branius travels all over Britain and northern Europe searching for Valerie.

Shamed that she is now the leman of the cruel Edgar, and guilt ridden about the death of her maid, Valerie struggles to find a reason to live now that everyone she has ever valued in life has been ripped away from her. When she learns she is carrying Edgar's child, she tries to escape to Britain before Edgar discovers she is pregnant. After her attempt at escape fails, Valerie's hopes are renewed when Branius comes to take her away. She agrees to return to Britain with him, but discourages him from marrying her because of her pregnancy. Branius assures her he is willing to marry her despite the fact she is carrying another man's child.

Haunted by nightmares of her life with Edgar, Valerie is afraid to consummate her marriage. Branius realizes that Valerie will never be free of Edgar until she is willing to confront her fears of lovemaking. Valerie is able to see the contrast between Edgar's selfish desire and Branius's sacrificial, passionate love for her. She confronts her fear of sex and allows Branius to show her that lovemaking is a natural extension to the love they share rather than the degrading chore it was with Edgar.

Branius and Valerie live in Ireland until Valerie's son is born. When they return to Calamere, Branius claims the child as his own son.

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