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Conker's Bad Fur Day Review
South Park? Pah! Conker'll make Cartman run for his money. All the way to Cansas
It's strange to think that this foul mouthed, head chopping game started off as one of the cutest games on the N64, but Rare realised that people are sick of those cute, kissy wissy adventure games and made Conker and co into the next South Park. Swearing, violence, poo and anything else like that you can think of are what makes Conker, sure there's puzzles and characters to meet, but the humor is what keeps you coming back to this gem.
You start off drunk in the middle of nowhere and meet a scarecrow named Birdy who's also drunk, he'll fix you up and then you can start your adventure, fighting bosses, pissing on things and the like. BFD has a huge array of exploring, speech and cut-scenes that'll blow your mind.
Graphics - The best graphics on the N64? Yesiree Bob! This game is packed and doesn't use the expansion pak, but still manages to create detailed things everywhere, including smoke flowing out of cigars in rings, heads being cut off in quarters or halves and hearts still beating after the body has been blown into bits, even in mulitplayer! There's great looking facial expressions even for minor character appearances. There's tons of great in-game detailed cut-scenes, some straight from well known movies. 20/20
Sound - BFD features the most speech in any N64 game ever, which Rare deservingly won a Bafta award for in 2001. Complete with swearing & nicely synchronised mouth movements, especially with Conker himself. Greatly composed music from the fartiness of Pooland to the fearful quietness of It's War! There's also some singing from the Great Mighty Poo, Quite disturbing. Quite indeed. 19/20
CBFD features many scenes from block buster movies such as Saving Private Ryan and The Matrix and they are all stunningly recreated.

Lastability - The great thing here is that, even after you've played right through the one player mode, which is one of the greatest experiences the console has to offer, you can still go back to the Chapters section and do whatever part you like and see your favourite cut-scenes countless times. The multiplayer mode (not ready yet) will keep you happy the longest though. With four player racing, killing, imigrationisation (It's got some weird modes) and even a great Tank driving game. If you've got no friends, it's still great fun, but the more the merrier. 19/20

Jeice's Verdict - The N64's best of the Last releases and one you're definitely going to enjoy, unless swearing and violence offends your eyes and ears that is

Overall Score - 97/100

Conker's Bad Fur Day game Specifications
System : Nintendo 64
Genre : Adventure
Players : 1-4 Split Screen
Release Date : Out now (came out March 2001)
Rating : M15+