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.__.THE BEST BOB.__.

Where do I begin to explain this fine man? Well...first of all he is simply one of the "All Time Champion Good Guys"! That is my assess-
ment...and, of course, I am N-E-V-E-R wrong! He is talented, patient, kind, compassionate, astute, and one of the funniest people that I know! Fun abounds when I spend time with Bob and Judy! They are like my own personal "comedy team", and I am a grateful audience! They are a grand pair, and I love them!

I came to know Bob in 1971...January as I recall! He was a "tailor-in-progress" at the time, and since Judy was to be my Maid of Honor, he "volunteered" to make her dress for my wedding! Of course, I knew immediately that he was smitten with the lovely lady that was to stand at my side on the appointed day! I have always been pretty astute myself! It didn't take a genius mentality to see what was unfolding! Sure enough, within two years they were married...and then they were off on "Bob and Judy's Big Adventure"! Tah!!! Dah!!!

While I headed to California (fer sure), Bob and Judy headed for New York City, and"The-Big- Tailor-School-in-the-Big-Apple"! Their stories of those years are nothing short of hilarious! I could listen to them for hours! Bob came away from those times a "top-notch tailor"...the man can mold fabric into the most wonderful garments you would ever want to own...and beyond...!!! He's a wonder ~ and the most talented of all of my male friends!!!

We have criss-crossed the US, each seeming to follow the same "script" as we went...(Judy and I have compared notes many times about events that went on in our lives that were nearly like a mirrored image of each other)! Now we are residing south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and close enough to visit on a more regular basis than in the past! Yet I must admit, it isn't often enough to suit me...they are wonderful companions, loyal friends, zany characters, and more dear to me than they will ever know! I would hope that everyone has friends like these two...but I know that they don't! I am truly blessed!

Bob's Photo ~ Celebrating Judy's Birthday ~ 2000!

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(c) Water Dance by Eric Erwin