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I have so many things that interest me...this page will probably become a "hodge-podge" of those subjects. I will supply links for you (where I can), so that you can take a look if something strikes your "fancy"!!! :)

(c) Anne Geddes

One of my favorite artists is photographer Anne Geddes! If you have never had an opportunity to view her work, you should! She is delightful! She is an Australian, now living in New Zealand, and takes the most wonderful photographs of children that I have ever seen! Visiting Anne's Website is worth the won't be disappointed!!!

Anne Geddes Website Homepage of a "fan" ! Lots of photos!

(~click on the logo for a visit to Cherokee~)

High in the Smokey Mountains is the Qualla Boundary, which includes the town of Cherokee, North Carolina. This is the home of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation. Accurate history indicates those living there, are decentants of those who escaped the Indian Removal Act of the Fall and Winter of 1838-1839...the historic "Trail of Tears"!

If you have Cherokee ancestry, but do not have much knowledge of the history of the Cherokee people, I have included some interesting links for you to visit! If you have no Native American ancestry, you will still find the information of interest! ....."Least we forget!"

"We are now about to take our leave and bid a kind farewell to
our native land, the land that The Great Spirit, gave our Fathers;
we are on the eve of leaving that country that gave us birth ...

It is with sorrow that we are forced by the authority of the white
man to quit the scenes of our childhood ... we bid a final farewell
to it and all we hold dear."

George Hicks, Cherokee leader on the Trail of Tears,
November 4, 1838

About The Mountains Cherokee and Cherokee Genealogy Links

About Cherokee! Trail of Tears Official Site of the Cherokee Nation

Cherokee Genealogy! General Genealogy Source in North Carolina!

Native American Links Sequoyah Native American College Fund

I have always had a fascination with beading! Not too many years ago, I decided that it was time that I learn how! So, I went to my local bead store, and outfitted myself with just about everything that I could ever hope to use for my "newest" hobby! I became absolutely enthralled with it! I now refer to it as the "bead gene"...and I can get lost in the process! I bead, because "I MUST"! Yeah, it's "addictive"!

I prefer loom beading over other methods! Any crafter who has used graph patterns for needlework will find beading adapts beautifully to those designs! It offers a great deal of enjoyment, and with practice you can create many personal items to enjoy, or give as gifts.

The links that I have added are for many different types of beading! Perhaps you will find an interest in one of them! Beads are readily available in most craft stores, on-line, and at Native American Pow Wow's!

Pow Wow Listings (Locate: "Monthly Craft Section" on the Menu) Loom Beading (simple directions)

Supplies, workshops, books, and classes from Beads F.O.B, Inc. Garden of Beadin'

Aunt Molly's Bead Links Dream Beadweaver The Baton Rouge Bead Company

Pueblo Bonita ~ Turquoise Trade Capital Beading Random Link Generator Land of Odds

BeadNet! Full Circle Books and Videos Whispering Wind Magazine

One of my favorite things in life, as a child, were Kaleidoscopes! I find that I am still fascinated with them and the changes of color, texture, and design! The two sites that I had posted here are no longer on-line and I am searching for interesting sites to replace them with. As soon as I locate new sites I will post them here for you. Sorry for the inconvenience!

This is NOT another Kaleidoscope...however, it is a drawing device, so I thought this was the best place to include it! One of the nice features "FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES" is that they can send their drawings to their friends via email! This is different than the "Painter", but just as interesting...and definately falls in the "Cyber-Doodling" catagory! Enjoy...but let the kids use it too! :)

Aouali's Send An Art ©

(If you reproduce this drawing device...please respect the Copyright, and give the proper credit! Thanks!)

Another passion in life for me, as a child, as well as today ....Authentic Turn-of-the-Century Carousel's (circa 1900)! None of this "modern" stuff for me!!! And, of course, my steed was always "mobile", as the platform turned counter-clockwise to the distinctive Carousel Musicbox! What a thrill...and all of my Amusement Park tickets were gladly relinquished at this one very special ride

There are very few Carousel's that are fully operational, and well maintained today! They were works of art unto themselves...a treat for the eye, as well as the spirit! They, for the most part, have vanished...due to modernization, urban-newal, land development, and a shift in American "Amusements" to Theme Parks!

In Louisville, there was only one amusement park...oh, but what a place! FONTAINE FERRY PARK!!! Louisvillian's still talk about it! It had everything...especially "Magic"! I searched for information on Fontaine Ferry Park hoping to give you a link to visit. Sadly, there is nothing...simply a mention in passing, on other subjects! Perhaps a "new project" for me to work deserves the tribute! spend one more hot summer day at Fontaine Ferry Park riding the Carousel to my heart's delight!

My pages on Fountain Ferry Park are finally under way, and will be added as soon as possible.

(c) DS Art .__. Carousel Horse ( Toy Horse ) .__. by Don Stewart

HORSES, HORSES, HORSES!!! At an early age I also decided that "the real thing" was pretty terrific too! It seems to come with the territory when you are born in Kentucky! In fact, it is probably a state law or something....yeah, I am sure of that! Just joking, of course!!! Actually, they just tax you if you don't like horses here!!! :) Nah....!!!

Early in life I was not very particular as to "breeding"....anything that looked, and smelled, like a horse was just f-i-n-e with me! My tastes refined as I gained knowledge and experience! I live in the heart of Thoroughbred and American Saddle Bred Country....however, my preference are Paso Fino's! There are Paso Fino's bred to suit any "horse lover"...from Chestnut's to Palomino's..and beyond! To me, they are "REAL" Carousel Horses...."High Steppers"...and spectacular animals! I do not have enough "pocket change" to be a proud owner myself, but I jump at the opportunity to attend local Horse Shows when Paso Fino's are on the Program! "SPIFFY"!!! :) Visit the links that I have provided, and you might agree!

The Wonderful World of Paso Fino Horses Spanish Horses ~ Paso Fino's!

Monthly on-line magazine for the Paso Fino enthusiast!

Paso Fino Horse Association, Inc. Caballos del Conquistador of Marshall, Texas

"The" ~ Paso Fino's and Arabian's ~ FOR SALE

A Tribute to Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr

April 16, 1889 ~ December 25, 1977

My Irish Eyes Are Smiling ... and I am still Dreamin' of Ireland! I will get there one day ... but, until then ... visit along with me through Cyber-space!

.... Visit Galway ! ....... Want More ? ....... A Wee Bit More ???



.... ....

Morning Rain

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