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Asi Kary Daur Patu Wath:

A historical day when the great WORLD PANDIT CONFERENCE on 27-28 December 1993 was organised by PANUN KASHMIR.  The group was assigned the cultural part and we did it with enthusiasm. The whole programme was a grand success so was its cultural part too. The grand audience of 3000, which is beyond the capacity of SIRI FORT AUDITORIUM New Delhi, gave a thunderous applause on each scene of our creation.  Some people got so emotional that they started crying and a few fainted too who were then taken out and given medical aid.  It was a remarkable day for our community and our group was hailed from all corners for its unique achievements. The dance drama was conceived in such a way that reflects the cultural heritage of Kashmiri Pandits and the prevailing militancy, which was the cause of the forced exodus of Kashmiri pandits in 1989-90.


(More Info later ...)

Pride of India
Festival of India in USSR
Hong Kong Festival
World Pandits Conference

Guyana Festival

Mehjoor Centenary

Research Projects

New Attractions
