Let's Go Mets! August 16 - HOME GAME #63 vs Pittsburgh Pirates (68-46)

Matt Harvey (11-7) tries to help avoid a season sweep for the Bucs, who counter with lefty Jeff Locke (6-7).

63-55 +4.5

Lets Go Mets! What started as a great pitcher's duel ended as a laugher as the Pirates left New York with a sweep to throw a little water on the once red hot Mets. Tied 1-1 in the bottom of the 6th inning, a thunderstorm moved in and even though it was a humid 85 degrees, dropped quite a bit of rain and delayed play for 42 minutes. It was all Pirates after that as Bobby Parnell struggled and the Bucs had a big 4 run 7th and threw in 3 more in the 8th for good measure. The Mets fell short competing with one of the top teams in the NL showing maybe there is more to do to get this team playoff ready.

Ticket Cost: $163
Time of game: 3:23 (:42 delay)
Attendance: 40,350

Hyundai Club seats

Mike and I had plenty to eat in the Hyundai Club. It was warm and our seats were only a row away from being in the encroaching sun. Once the sunshine overtook us we were appreciating the intermittent cloud cover. Then the skies became darker in the 6th inning. Rain started as the Mets were batting and it didn't take long for the downpour to empty the stands and delay the game. We hung out in the Hyundai Club for the 42 minute delay.

42 minute rain delay

Sitting in the row behind us were a family of four: Dad, Mom, 6 yr old son & 4 yr old daughter. When a foul ball landed about twenty yards away from our location, the young man got excited. I asked him where his glove was and he grabbed his dad's hand and held it up with both hands and declared "This is my glove, I have a Dad glove!" Both children would wander up and down the stairs and sing "Let's Go Mets". After the rain delay the little girl was standing on the stairs next to me singing and I whispered out of the side of my mouth "Let's go Mets" while she sang. I became her friend the rest of the game while the Pirates scored 7 runs late in the game. After I talked to her Mom a bit, I let the little girl try on my Mets ring. She had to put two fingers in it to stay on her hand. She gave it back and I let her wear my Mets wristwatch. It had to be slid up her arm to her elbow to stay on, then she nicely gave it back. Then she put her head on my shoulder and said "I love you". I looked back at smiling Mom and mouthed "She said she loves me". It was so cute.

After the game when ever body was gathering their things to trek home disappointed, I thanked the Mom for letting me play with her kids and surprisingly she thanked me. Distracted from the Bucs sweeping the Mets, the little girl (I forgot her name, might have been Ella) made me think about my granddaughters back home. I miss Adalyn and I've yet to see Thea except in photos. I will see them in a few weeks before the stretch run.

No extra innings today for Mike & I, we got back to the apartment early with time to hang out and enjoy the evening before getting up at the crack of dawn to catch his flight back home. After dropping Mike off at JFK for his return trip to California, I returned to my apartment and tried to get some rest. Without a game for 11 days, it will be one of my longest stretches away from the ballpark. I've made plans to visit home in September, only my second visit home during this season.