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    The Romanesque period began around 800 ad before the Gothic period.

    This type of architecture was influenced by the Romans hence the name Romanesque. What does this mean? Well it means that like the roman buildings these had very thick walls, hardly any windows and had rounded arches all around as well as inside them. An example woulld be the ... This type of architecture with the thick walls and arched entries may look sturdy but it was because of the heavy stone and marble that the walls began to buckle over a period of time.  The solution was that they made the walls thicker and had hardly any windows and if they did the windows would be very small because they didn't want to compromse the sructure.

Some of the architects during this time were Michelangelo and Brunelleschi. It was Brunelleeschi who designed the Church of Sana Larenzo in Florence. eventhough there were many architects the main structures of these monuments stayed  relativly the same.