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I don't own the character of Veronica Mars and they are owned by who created the show. My fanficitons are only going about my favorite Couple, Veronica and Logan. My Veronica nad Logan fanfictions are going to take random time in their relationship and they both graduated from hight school, and one will take place after Logan stand ups for Veroncia  in the series finale and the other two will take place at different times. My Alterniative universe fanfictions about Veronica and Logan are going be random and they are going to be from the story line from the shwo all just somiemthing that I had made up.

Veronica and Logan

Veronica and Her Guy

Logan and His Girl

Love Forever

Life after College

Alternative Universe

Never Found True Love Unitl You

Life as a Private Investigator

Veronica and Her True Love Logan

A Dangerous Life