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Those fanfictions are going to be crossovers bewteen Buffy The Vampire and Angel and the characters from both shows are owned by Joss Whedon and I am going to have characters from both shows in those fanfictions. Two Of  The Stories are going to be taking place during those shows and In those stories are going to have Doyle and I am going to act like he never  died in some of those stories and plus I am also going to have Whistler in those stories because he knows both Buffy and Angel. One of stories isgoing to be taking place after the Buffy the Vampire Slayer ends and it will happen in the last season of Angel and but i am going to have both Buffy and Angle struggleing trusting each other but ultimately they ware going to get back together. The One thtat happen take place after Buffy and during last season of Angel is going to have the Immortal and dating Buffy and that is not going to make Angel very happy espically sicne he isgoing to going to found out that The Immortal is not treateing Buffy the ways that she needs to be treated and i am going get Buffy out her relationship wiht the Immortal. In that story is going to be totally different person that Angel knew, then the perosn that her sister, Dawn, her friends knew, and plus who Giles knew and it is going to be hard for Angel to bring back his true love, Buffy Summers. One of those stories are going to be talkig place after Buffy The Vampire and Angel and they think that they need to move on and tha there is not way that they could be togehter but they realize that htey never could move on and they will get back together. I am going to have Conner in those stories and there may one of those stories that I am probably not going to have Conner but I am not sure yet. I know that at least a couple of them will have Conner in therm and I am going to have to Fred , Gunn, Wesely, Cordelia, and Lorne in the stories becaause It is going to be like that Fred, Wesely, and Cordelia had never died like them had died in the show. They all just happen to Alternative Universe because of those stories are going to be stories that would be love stories of Buffy and Angel, and they are going to back to dating each other in them but none of them are going to be Angel becoming he is stay a vampire, each of them will have eventually has his soul bound in those stories. In a couple of the stories, somthing horrible is going to happen to Buffy which will lead to Angel to make a decision in whether or not he is going let Buffy die and been gone forever or turn Buffy into a Vampire and risk of her losing her soul for good.  In those stories that buffy will ended up becoming a vampire she is going to keep her soul and she is going to be stronger then a slayer and also a vampire becauese she will vampire strenght and also she will have Slayer Strength.

Love that is Forever

Angel and His Girl

Buffy and Her Vampire

Life after Sunnydale