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Crossovers of my favorite Tv show called Instant and my favorite Musical Camp and I don't own the characters of the tv show Instant star or the tv show or characters of the musical Camp or the movie Camp. The creator of Instant Star owns the characters of Instant Star and the tv show and the creator of the Movie Camp owns the characters of the movie and also the movie. None of the fanficitions are going to be talking place during either of the movies and there are going to be stories that happen to be havien their story lines that are going to be created. I will own the characters that I creat for the crossover fanfictions for the tv show Instant and the movie Camp and I will own the story lines for the fanficitions .  Two of the fanfictions are going to be Where Tommy happens to be the older brother of Ben and Ellen Lucas and where Jude just happens to be very good  friends of  Vlad. Two of the fanfictions is going to be where Jude Harrison and Sadie Harrison happens to the sisters of Ellen and Ben Lucas and Tommy just happens to be best friends of Vlad. Two of the fanfictions is where Tommy Quincy happens to be one of the oldest brothers of Vlad and Jude Harrison and Sadie Harrisons happens to be best friends with Ellen. Two of the fanfictions are going to be Jude Harrison and Sadie Harrison happens to be the cousins of Vlad and plus Tommy Quinmcy just happens to be very good friends wilth Ellen.

Instant star/ Camp crossover

Life as a Celebrity

LIfe is Hard

Jommy and Vlad and Ellen Forever

Jommy and Vlad and Ellen= True Love

The Broken Life of a Celebrity

The Broken Way of True Love

The Rough Path of True Love

The Tough Road of True Love