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I don't own the characters of Make It or Break It or the tv show Make It or Break It and the creator of the tv show and abc family owns the characters of the show and the tv show. I am only going to own the characters that  I  make up for the fanfictions and plus I always will be owning the storylines for the fanfictions. There are going to be fanfictions that takes place after what happened in the lost epsode of the show that have been taking place and also going to be making stories. I am alos going to be having fanifctions that are going to be Alternative Universe and in those the characters are going to known each other longer then they would have known each other in the show. There are going to be fanfctions about my favorite couples, Kaylie and Austin, Summer and Sasha, Payson and Nicky, and  Emily and Leo

Kaylie and Austin

Kaylie and Her Boy

Austin and His Rock Girl

Love that Lasts forever

The Broken Way of True Love

True Love Forever

True Love Always

Kaylie and Austin Forever

Kaylie and Austin= True Love

Summmer and Sasha

Summer and her Guy

Sasha and His Lady

The Rock Coach and The Rock Manager

A Forever Love

The Rough Road of True Love

The Way To True Love

Summer and Sasha Forever

Summer and Sasha= True Love

Payson and Nicky

Payson and Her Boy

Nicky and His Rock Girl

The Broken Path of True Love

Two Gymanstists

The Rough Path of True Love

A Rough Life for a Gynamist

Payson and Nicky Forever

 Payson and Nicky= True Love

Emily and Leo
Emily and Her Guy

Leo and His Rock Girl

A Gynamsits and A Former Gymansits

The Love that Is Forever

The Tough Road of True Love

The Broken Road of True Love

Emily and Leo Forever

Emily and Leo= True Love

Alternative Unvierse

The Female Gymanists and their Guys

A True that will Always Lasts

The Brokenn Road of True Love

The Rough Path of True Love

The Tough Way of True Love

The  Forever Love

True Love Forever and Always