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Clan Brujah

Origin of the Clan

Brujah Sects

Brujah Disciplines

Secrets of the Brujah

Brujah's Commandments

Brujah Character: Aidan O'Ryan

Secrets of the Clan Brujah

The Brujah have developed a number of unique powers. Not all Brujah have these advantages; most Kindred don't know they exist. Those who are aware of these powers either possess them or have been the unfortunates on the receiving end.

The Burning Wrath

The Iconoclasts fight on the front lines of all wars, charging headfirst into the danger that would send other Kindred running in fear. They make up a truly formidable fighting force in any situation, but particularly when their ranks include those who know the Burning Wrath. When invoked, the Burning Wrath causes the Brujah's body to flush. Red steam rises from his body, concentrating at the hands and the top of the head. Every attack becomes a moment of supreme agony for his enemies as their flesh is seared by the liquid heat.

The Scourge of Alecto

Idealists have long tried to suppress their frenzies. They do not revel in them like the Iconoclasts, nor accept them as the Individualists. Instead they fight the Beast every step of the way. Some become so adept at inhibiting their frenzies that they actually learn to turn them on their foes, releasing their beast in another.

Iron Heart

In walking the line between the Iconoclasts and the Idealists, the Individualist have to develop especially strong self-awareness. They strive to maintain their independence while promoting it in others. Toward this end, some have cultivated the power of the Iron Heart. The Iron Heart serves two functions. First, it enables the Individualist to more readily resist the effects of Domination, Presence and other manipulative Traits and powers. Additionally, an Individualist with this power can strengthen the resolve of others in the same way as he strengthens that of himself.