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Clan Brujah

Origin of the Clan

Brujah Sects

Brujah Disciplines

Secrets of the Brujah

Brujah's Commandments

Brujah Character: Aidan O'Ryan

Origins of Clan Brujah

    The origins of Clan Brujah are somewhat cloudy, at best. Like several of the clans, the founders name was in fact Brujah. The specifics of who Brujah was are where the obivous facts end. Some sources make the immediate assumption that Brujah was a rebel without a clue, much like the Brujah of modern day, but most of the Eldest Brujah subscribe to a different theory. They say that Brujah was in fact quiet and conservative, and was used as a scapegoat for the battle that destroyed the Second City.

    Those who say that Brujah was not like his modern progeny blame the battle and the Brujah clan weakness on one of Brujah's children, a kindred named Troile. Some sources suggest that the Fourth Generation became angry with the third because of their power, and began challenging each other to kill their sires. The raging Troile took the challenge and killed his quiet (and supposedly female) Sire through Diablerie. This cold-blooded murder may well have led to the fall of the Second City. And it would have left Troile with the powers of an Antedeluvian.

   Brujah scholars say that Troile chose to leave the Second City and wander the earth most likely because of the crime he had commited. He spent some time in Asia Minor until the coming of the Persians, and then supposedly took refuge in northern Africa. He took no part in the founding of Carthage, but ,although it is disputed, most agree that Troile did take part in its defense. He saw in Carthage the stand for Kindred freedom that he felt Sire never had the strength to stand for. Troile threw himself into the battle; he and the other Brujah were outnumbered and defeated. Some say Troile never died, but instead slipped into torpor where he lies hidden to this day.

    Whether or not Troile is still alive, no one can say. However, most agree that the clan weakness, propensity to frenzy, comes from Troile's anger. But, ancient Kindred souces do note that the Brujah's rage did not appear until after the fall of the second city.