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Wednesday, 24 August 2005
Border Wars Data Page
Topic: Immigration
Border Wars Data Page

I am not going to jump on the US Government is in the Drug Business bandwagon that some of these articles present, but this IS the most extensive set of links I have found so far

Despite Who is behind this almost ignored War on our Southern border this statement does have some validity

"While the threat of terrorists attacking the US is regularly one of the top news headlines on a daily basis, real terror that has already claimed the lives of 600 people this year is being routinely ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media.

Mexican drug commando organization los Zetas has been carrying out kidnappings of American citizens and politically motivated assassinations which have stretched from the border town of Nuevo Laredo through to Dallas, Houston and San Antonio all the way to Nashville, Tenn., and Atlanta, Ga.

If Al-Qaeda had infiltrated the US and carried out hundreds of assassinations and kidnappings including those of FBI and DEA agents as well as police chiefs, do you think the media would be interested? Of course they would and yet this very scenario is being played out with scant coverage in local newspapers and the occasional wire blurb."

Mexican drug cartels' wars move closer to U.S. border

Arizona governor decares state of emergency along Mexican border

Border emergency declared in New Mexico

The Secret Border Wars

Former DEA Agent: Mexican Commandos Killing In South West US To Protect Bush Drug Cartel

US shuts Mexican border consulate

Border Police Chief Only Latest Casualty In Mexico Drug War

US renews Mexico travel warning as killings mount

U.S. consulate reopens in violent Mexican border city

U.S. agent accused of aiding illegals

Men who shot Border Patrol agents wore black military-style garb

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Full Swing

Mexican commandos seek control of border

Mexican Drug Commandos

Federal agent killed in Brownsville gun battle

U.S. officials say Zetas (Mexican Commandos) have killed in Texas

Mexican special forces take control in border town

US-trained Mexican commandos pose threat to authorities

US reopens Mexico border mission


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:31 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:55 AM CDT

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