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Our Ranking System

Every member accepted into the Knights of Virtue start off with the rank of "Novice." To advance in the ranks will require that certain  objectives be met. These objectives will all reflect on certain virtues (The first virtue of Honsety was met in the qualification phase), and advancing in our ranks is not something to take lightly, but a great honor bestowed only upon the best and most virtuous of our members.

Apprentice Knight
To advance to this level (From Novice) you must win 5 games (Reflecting on the virtue of Honor)

Junior Knight
To Advance to this level (From Apprentice) you must play 3 ranked games against one of the members of our cabal with a higher in game rating (Reflecting on the virtue of humility)

To advance to this level (From Junior) you must find three sutible members for our cabal and lead them to our ranks.   (Reflecting on the virtue of sacrifice)

Brave Knight
To advance to this level (From Knight) You must have played at least 100 ranked games and have at least a 50/50 average.  (Reflecting on the virtue of Justice)

Renowned Knight
To advance to this level (From Brave Knight) you will be assigned one of our novices that you will help with their first steps into our Cabal. help them with deck building techniques, and more advanced game Strategies. (Reflecting on the virtue of compassion)

Heroic Knight
To advance to this level (From Renowned Knight) You must play (and win) 3 ranked games against one of the dragon knights using only a life deck.  (Reflecting on the virtue of spirituality)

Valiant Knight
To advance to this level (From Heroic Knight) You must have an in game rating of at least 150 with at least 250 games played.(Reflecting on the virtue of valor)

Royal Knight
To advance to this level (From valiant Knight) You must be in the top 200 (of all sanctum players) and present an original idea for a cabal activity.

Majestic Knight
To advance to this level (From Royal Knight) You must be in the top 100 (of all sanctum players), win an in cabal tourney (As a royal knight), and Defeat a dragon knight with you using every deck (They will use decks of their choosing)

Dragon Knight
As of now, the Dragon Knight position is not an achieved rank, rather it is a rank of leadership and guidance.  As of now the 2 dragon knights are the founders. In the future members of the majestic knights may be asked to join the ranks of the dragon knights to help with some of the coordinating of in cabal events, and with the executive decisions concerning this cabal. Please do not ask to become a dragon knight, or what the requirements are. We will come to you.